Saturday, January 27, 2007

Nightmare Or: Living

WOKE UP SCREAMING SO FORCEFULLY I FRIGHTENED MATRAN SO BADLY he yelled up in fright thinking Laundretta was being attacked. Which was all I needed to deal with, surfacing from another nightmare.

Briefly, here's the dream: trapped in strange family house. Time running out. Unfamiliar girl trying to thwart me. (The source of stress was vague: was she trying to throw me out yet leave all my stuff in the house?) I attack her with turkey carving knife and prong fork. Could not defeat this woman. (Who is it?) That's when the dream ended with those screams.

There's some comedy value with me trying to carve woman's face open with knife and turkey-prong fork. But I wasn't laughing at the time.

I don't know why I'm posting that. But I have been nightmaring every day.

I've been ill all day today. Spent practically all day in bed. Sitting at this glaring screen I feel unsteady and unwell. Depressed. Sleep-drunk. Can't focus. And I've had neither too little drugs nor not enough. I've got to go. My head is emptied out...


  1. do you want my advice? if you feel depressed slit your own throat. always a winner

  2. Please don't listen to Igor! I hear he has a serious impotence problem, besides.

  3. Dreams of houses represent your self your inner life or the past. I have the same reccuring nightmare of running from people in houses (that are familiar) that usually have a violent twist. It's bad stuff from my past trying to get heard.


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