Friday, January 26, 2007

Waiting for...

YEAH DREAMS. I did have a nightmare. All was chaos. It quickly faded. Then I had to face the day. I knew nothing was going to be all right. Soon as I awoke I rang da man. He said he was in court. About three hours later when I got up I called again. He says he has no wheels. Well whatever, so I try person #2 who says have I got the gnome on a bike (his runner's) number ... some messing about. He said he'd be half an hour. I know what his half an hour means. Someone else (person 3) rang back. So I cancelled #2. I wish I didn't have such a stonking tolerance to that stuff. A big part of the initial attraction was that it could quite possibly wipe me from the face of the earth. Then only THIS trash would outlive me. Woo. The guy's coming down the road as I speak. I need a drink.


  1. Understand the irony.
    Ps. No love anymore (?)
    PPS. YOu can email me at Then from there I'll give you my REAL account!

  2. What is with this forcing me to log into a google account thing.. THey FORCED me to make the change to the new blogger and now I cant log in!

  3. alright logged in. I dont like this changing blogger stuff.. or the windows id stuff on hotmail. it's ultra confusing... it's the reason people use aol.

  4. Thanks darlin'.
    What you mean no love anymore? I've been sleepin'...

  5. Hang in there've not written Vol 3..Vol4...Vol 5...etc yet!!!

  6. O man can you imagine it? Gledwood Vol 55,439 is somewhere in the reading room in the annals of hell where evil librarians are kept for all eternity having to wade through my treacly blog...


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