Monday, April 23, 2007

Burnt Boil-in-Bag ...


No wonder I keep a special pan for boil-in-the-bag-disasters: bottom's full of scale from previous experiences with plastic, diminishing water-levels and fierce heat. Plastic burnt-on accumulates. I ate the sad remnants of polymer-flavour sauce, hoping I wouldn't get liver cancer from carbonization. ... Don't think so ... Most of the sauce had long since joined the diminishing layer of ozone ... Just a respectible tranche of cod and parsley jellified ... I slapped a new one in and dashed the pan back on full number 6 heat ...

... & whatever happened then not I not only don't know ...

To find out the difference between Butterflies and Moths ...


  1. come ON Peeps -- where ARE youze all 2nite??!? come ON ---- COMMENT please PLEASE...

  2. nostoppingplace: comment on "smashed"

    do you still feel sexy when you think about this? you would rather "be provoked than flattered" ...

  3. ... & if u r reading th'above & knowing, then ANSA ME DIRECT ...





  4. Yes, I noticed you weren posting but I thought you were probably still coming online. The back of my mind wondered if you were off getting smack and crack somewhere. I wish we could get high together. Youve probably noticed from my blog that for the FIRST time in my life I've been going out to drink a lot. The thing I hate about it is the fuzzy patches in my mind that it gives me. If only I didnt think alcohol was a last resort. The fuzzy feeling it gives me, the buzz, isn't as profound as heroin, and I long in the depth of my being for oxy days. I cant remember what the high felt like anymore. They were that good. Then I get sad remembering my dating methadone boy and how he was like a sedation pill. But then he wouldnt say he loved me anymore so I stopped talking to him. Because when he used to say he loved me it wasnt about him loving me par se. it was about hearing it. So when he stopped being able to say it, for whatever reason.. I left him in the ditch. Told him to get the fuck out of my life. He was upset. And sad. But he did. I dont understand love and never have. I, unlike the rest, didnt claim to.

  5. Are you glad he felt something when you couldn't?

    You sound like you were depersonalized. Unreal. Sometimes people hurt themselves in that state.

    Sometimes, it seems, you maybe wish to hurt others. To see whether their pain can be real.

    Am I being real to you now ..?


    A serious point. Please answer it if you can ... I wasn't just fucking about playing dreamygames, I was making a valid point I wanted to ask you about. Don't you think I hit on something...? Maybe..? Tell me ...?

  7. You really need a microwave Gleds....though keep Hammy away from it! Until you'd commented on my post I'd never thought about the butterfly/moth question! Thanks for finding out.

  8. I wish to hurt others?? I need to think about that one.

  9. Hy, I am very happy that you find my blog. I don't have it for a long time and you are actualy the first person to post a coment, I hope to hear from you soon.

    P.S. And yes I am very pissed of about the EU. Excuse the language.

  10. I finally made the post. I thought I wrote you a comment—one of those long ones about it but I can't find it anywhere.

    In Jamaica (West Indies, not Queens, New York) and New Orleans they call if blackened Boil-in-bag and if people don't like the taste they just laugh and call you a light weight. Go figure. Personally I like spicey dishes. Here in the states we have a chemical concoction for any flavor you might have a fancy for. (Fast Food Nation)

    I checked out the Did you notice they spelled heroin as heroine? I wrote the admin guy to let him know they might want to check that out. I don't think there are any illnesses, at least physiological (my new favorite word)ones, in ragards to female heros! ones. I has the potential to be something. What I'm not sure. My thoughts are heavily influenced at the moment by Rational Recovery which says in a less than sanguine way that getting a bunch of self admitted addicts is building the bridge in the widest part of the river as far as recovery is concerned.

    I'm on a bad metaphor kick ever since I saw Sean Penn on the Stephen Colbert Show.

    (I sent you this earlier, I thought. But I don't see it. Who got it I wonder?)

    Wish I had something clever to say about your mom situation but moms are way out of my league. They just are so don't ask.


  11. Gled - you shouldn't eat plastic! And that's probably the least of your worries. I'm afraid that one day you'll set the house on fire. Ruth is right. Look on the internet if someone might be giving away a microwave they no longer need.

  12. Now dont tell me that u had to chew that plastic along with the fish. LOL! Kidding!

    OMG, i am having exams nowadays, that way, i'm in the "slow group" to comment. SHIT! I MISS ur notes.

  13. Was I roaring drunk last night?

    I don't think I was. Yet every comment I left everywhere I seemed to be shouting.

    So Ruth yupp, I do need a microwave. The last one ended up being used as a door barricader when we had "low security" again ... I'm definitely on the lookout for a new one ...

  14. Thanks everyone else for your comments. I did not eat burnt plastic (ukkkk!!) but DID open the fish and ate that. The bottom tasted of burnt plastic but I was hungry (it had been cooking for over an hour) ... I ate it anyway ...

    That's what poverty does, man!!


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