Saturday, April 21, 2007

Open House

IT'S OPEN HOUSE at mine yet again. Matran has kicked the front door open because once again he went out without his key. And my room door is totally defunct. Meaning that I'm sleeping at night with literally nothing between me and the street. Anyone could come in and murder me in my bed.

(If only!!)


  1. Hey yo, gleds! Passing thru! You popped into my place (earlier?) I am having the blogroll prob. My prob is: when I first set it up maybe 3 weeks ago, It updated and gave me this nifty "YAY" or NEW or whatever when someone had posted something new. It is no longer doing that. (ummm...sheet and street, huh?)

  2. Peering thru your blogroll(s) we have dan the man in common, and although I like raymi, I have not been to her in a while, HOWEVER, I link to her (mom).


  3. gledwood, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
    Hope you are having a better day today.

  4. I just built an addiction oriented bloging site I literally launched it last week. My goal is to build a page where people can share their daily experiences related to their addiction and recovery. I wanted to send out an invite after reading around you blog. If you or anyone you know would be interested in sharing their daily experiences please feel free to send me an email.

  5. that's a bit unnerving gled. be safe, o.k. you should rig up something that will make a lot of noise if someone comes in while you're sleeping (you know, a booby trap)

  6. Hang a quarantine sign outside your door, or whatever is left of your door. Tuberculosis is an effective one but “Infectious Scleromortis” might draw less scrutiny from the authorities. There’s no such thing as infectious scleromortis but it sounds sufficiently heinous to keep the odd passerby from dropping in for a visit.

  7. Between you and street, u have invisible things protecting you..


    What I'm most probably going to do is buy an almighty bolt for my door and sleep with it bolted shut ...

    My landlord should fix it; then again my landlord should do a lot of things he doesn't do and shouldn't do a lot of things that he does ... know what I mean ..?

  9. This is my comment for asgaminmatt at; I'm not sure the one I left there 100% registered ...

    Thanks for the message you left on mine... This is a great work you're doing here...

    My blog was originally mean to be a crossroads of addiction resources/etc but it was hosted on a different site and I've STILL not updated the old links I so painstakingly gathered ...

    I'm adding you to my linxx straight away and I gave you a big bold shout in today's posting. I've only just logged in/got an ID here & am about to dive right in your site. It looks brilliant though... I will get back to you soon. Take it EZ


  10. -d Are you talking about the company "Blogroll".com or whatever ... or are you talking about comments coming into your blogger a/c??

    There's a setting that you should be offered when setting up your blogger a/c (though I'm sure not everyone understandst the implications of saying yey or nay to it...) where you get the opportunity that whenever someone drops a comment into your blog (even if it's appended to a comment from some months or years ago ...) that YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY GET EMAILED the entire comment... this way even if someone deletes what they've put you sneakily can read their embarrassing "not even for your eyes only" temperamental outspewings ...

  11. Slaghammer that is a lovely idea by the way ...

  12. Debs I was thinking of using one of those mini aerosol-sized rape alarms as my doorboobytrapsetupdevicethingie...


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