Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Starting in the early hours ...

HI! IT'S AFTER 3:30 in the morning. Beth Ditto, Yoko Ono and Scissor Sisters' Anna Matronic are sharing the Channel 4 sofa. Matran and Laundretta (hey - they could start a pop duo with those names) have been watching The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Its whistles and humming choruses boom through this house's cardboard construction.

When I was a kid, my brother and I watched that film with Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and the other one about fifty times on Brian's old VCR. So old was it that the "remote control" was indeed "remote" but controlled the video via a fully trip-up-over-able wire!! How old-skool is that!!?

Hey - wow! I just had a dream I was "embedding" Swedish Youtube screens. How strange. I don't recall ever dreaming about blogging before ...

I don't know all of a sudden - why?? - but the lack of colour here or, most specifically, my want of photographs are bringing my blog down. I do believe.

In the early days of "web-logging", daily journals in styles similar to my own were the norm. Nowadays, however, I find myself very much in the minority of bloggers - because I'm blogging without photographs. Now my pages feel kind of stark and compromising ...

Or have I just cluttered up my sidebars so much that my actual blog seems disappointingly bland?

Well it ought not to be bland, when you read it. Surely ...? Hopefully...?


One of these days I am planning to launch a brand new blog and this one shall be fully photo'd up.

But now I had better go. Because I've just been in the clinic and that makes me more depressed: being interrogated on how down I feel. I don't know... I've appointments every week because I'm such a headcase in their eyes. But the situation is this: I can either be getting weekly appointments but at least there's more chance I might get rehoused or at least some supposed benefit comes out of it. Or I can just get overlooked and then when I come out of the low - as I always eventually do - shall end up feeling angry at having been ignored when there was obviously something wrong and it's these people's job to do something about it.

I've still not got round to seeing my own doctor (at another place) and getting antidepressants. I was too depressed to move myself down there. Wah-waaahh! "Sad" indeed, but unfortunately true ...

OK I'm off now. It's mid-afternoon and the weather's perked from yesterday's miseries. Edyta said it was even hotter in Lithuania than it has been here! The sun is shining, fresh minty trees are swaying. Dappling sparklings and shadows all over ... OK I'll go before it gets too poetic. You'll all want anaesthetic to cleanse yourselves of it. OK I'm gone ...


pop !!



  1. whoooooohoooo! poetic! me likes!

    btw, i was singing 'London Bridge' during eng lessons in primary school!

    wish me luck, i have my english exam tomorrow!!!

  2. i thought ALL your exams were finished you said SCHOOL'S OUT 4EVA!!!

    Well best of luck

    why am i saying this?

    u don't NEED IT you are an INTELLECTUAL LITHUANIAN don't u c ?!?

  3. muy buena pagina amigo de habla inglesa lo felicito me encantas los topicos que usted meciona felicidades.

  4. which means, according to Babelfish:

    very good pagina English friend of speech I congratulate it you enchant the topicos to me that you meciona congratulations.

  5. btw:

    Acajutla Bendita Ciudad has some FANTASTIC photos posted

  6. It would be great to see some photos on your blog. I've been trying macro photography...got a bit hooked on it...nothing great but if you fancy a look I started a blog of them


  7. I've blogged about dreaming, but I have never dreamt about blogging.

    And now here you are blogging about dreaming about blogging. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it! :)

  8. Hello!
    I don't think your blog is boring...I love the color - it's cool and appealing to me. I don't care for most warm colors. After all, aren't we depressed folk supposed to be blue?
    I know what you mean about being too depressed to go get antidepressants. Don't want to leave the house for anything or anyone! Just leave me alone...Too bad that attitude stinks but it's just where we are at times...

  9. You don't need pics, I find your writing very interesting...

  10. i'm going to try and save this conversation from gabbly

    Gledwood: c






    Paterfamilias: hello

    Gledwood: Can't sleep

    is someone out there?

    Gledwood: Hello who is that?

    say hi or forever hold your peas ...

    ok sorry I gotta go ...

    Gledwood: hi

    anyone wanna talk


    if not i'm going to


    ok laters

    Welcome to Gabbly!
    Learn how to make money from hosting a chat by registering your name here!

    gabber639 has joined.

    gabber639 is now Gledwood

    Gledwood: edyta

    Edyta: heeeeey


    Gledwood: Edyta I'm back!!hey hows it going


    Edyta: it's not too good

    Gledwood: why?

    Edyta: my friend's been attacked by a knife

    Gledwood: OMG


    Edyta: got he lung cut a bit :|

    gonna visit him tomorrow

    Gledwood: has he got a drain on it


    you know what I mean

    Edyta: hmm, didnt actually get u

    Gledwood: they have to drain the fluid off

    Edyta: yeaaaaaaaah

    thats right

    Gledwood: so they open a hole about 2cms wide to the L or R of your bellyunder the ribs ... ok

    Edyta: oh, btw my exam isnt tomorrow

    Gledwood: he will be ok though

    i know

    Edyta: its on wednesday

    he will!

    u r soooo sweet for ur concern

    Gledwood: what can i say

    Edyta: how's it been going on there?

    rain came here!

    Gledwood: i mean.... right well not a lot it got cold

    Edyta: btw, i was on the placebo concert yesterday

    Gledwood: now it's warmer the English weather's v variable.... Placebo I know the name but I cannot place their music

    have they got a famous song?

    Edyta: yeah

    bitter end




    u can google for 'em on youtube

    Gledwood: i will have to call up youtubes of them.... bet I know the tunes when I hear them...

    Edyta: their british

    Gledwood: just wot i was saying


    Ever heard of a band called BUSH

    they are really famous

    in America

    Edyta: SUREEEE

    Gledwood: but not here

    they're British

    are they big chez vous?

    Edyta: hmmmm not so

    ya know

    Gledwood: haha! btw is it one last xam now

    then all over??

    Edyta: there r ppl called emo

    u know them?

    Gledwood: no! I've been quite out of touch with music

    don't have a cd player

    have radio

    Edyta: a mix of goth & punk & i dunno what

    they like cutting themselves

    Gledwood: oh! I'm getting too old for that!!!

    Edyta: haha!

    so am i


    Gledwood: do you know what

    i think back to when i was 16

    Edyta: there were a lot of these "emos" on the concert

    Gledwood: in the 1980s

    Edyta: yeah?

    Gledwood: ok... and the 1960s

    were as far away then

    as the 80s are now

    only i don't think fashions have changed as much (musically/visually)

    in the same number of years

    bc you hear young girls

    talking about Madonna

    Edyta: thats right

    Gledwood: whereas Marianne Faithfull


    other 60s singers seemed from another PLANET almost to me then

    also we wore drainpipe jeans

    really tight

    Edyta: woah :)

    Gledwood: the 60s baggy clothes

    Edyta: yup yup

    Gledwood: seemed well bizarre yeah i remember

    climbing a f******


    well a big hill

    in tight jeans

    never again!!

    also if they got wet

    Edyta: hahahhahahah :D

    Gledwood: u could HARDLY GET THEM OFF!!

    you could always spot French people and Germans

    in the 80s

    bc they wore

    Edyta: haahhahahahahha :D

    Gledwood: bright colours

    and baggier jeans

    not flares

    Edyta: U CRACK ME UP!

    Gledwood: but they well stoood out!!!

    Edyta: aaah

    Gledwood: hahaha!!

    Edyta: my dad looked like a hippie

    guess he was one

    Gledwood: Long hair?

    Edyta: when i saw his pics

    i was like OMG!

    ya know

    he reminded me of...


    Gledwood: ha-haaar!!

    Edyta: fromk scooby doo

    Gledwood: o yeah he's a real stoner

    Edyta: from*

    Gledwood: from what? what's * ... ?

    Edyta: i loooove that cartoon btw


    when i make a mistake

    Gledwood: o


    Edyta: i correct myself

    like this


    Gledwood: it took me ages to realize what :D meant

    Edyta: deyta




    Gledwood: i use ...

    gabber958 has joined.

    Gledwood: ;->...

    that is me winking

    and dribbling

    Edyta: i noticed

    gabber958 has left.

    Edyta: anywho

    Gledwood: wow there's 4 people on at once that's loads more than usual

    Edyta: heeey, how come only we r talking?

    i use


    Gledwood: i know

    Edyta: smiling

    Gledwood: because may be

    they not

    gabber442 has joined.

    Edyta: :| as sad

    or :(

    Gledwood: sorry

    Edyta: also sad

    Gledwood: I forget to use them most of the time

    Edyta: then :D grinning

    Gledwood: I'm too used to oldfashioned Words!!

    is :D

    someone with a big grin surely

    and :O

    Edyta: yep

    Gledwood: is shocked

    Edyta: yeah :)

    Gledwood: hang on i'm thinking

    for others


    i think u said them all!

    Edyta: hmmmz


    Gledwood: oH!!!

    what about this one...

    Edyta: is like another smiley

    Gledwood: let me get it

    Edyta: oh wait

    i forgot my fave one





    Gledwood: %-> that is me drunk

    Edyta: LOL :D

    Gledwood: i never saw the P one before!!

    Edyta: imagine a tongue


    something like that

    Gledwood: yeah

    hang on isn't there one like


    *-> = someone with a black eye

    gabber442 has left.

    Edyta: ahaaa


    oh wait



    Gledwood: WOW!!

    &:-) an old lady's hairdo

    or something

    Edyta: :DDD




    someone's drooling


    Gledwood: o no!!

    there's one that means a humungous beard

    canot think of it

    maybe ;->>>>>

    or something

    Edyta: may haps :D

    Gledwood: £:-) that's a designer hat ok i'll stop now

    Edyta: hahahahah :D

    Gledwood: what plans have you got

    for the summer?

    Edyta: Gleds, u always have so many things to say

    i just wanna sit & listen listen listen


    hmmm, nothing coherent yet!

    Gledwood: travelling? working? ...

    Edyta: i'd love to travel


    Gledwood: o when i was about your age

    i did a thing called

    Jeunesse et Reconstruction

    it's a french charity

    you camp for 3 weeks

    Edyta: aha & its abt?

    Gledwood: and work every day

    5 days a week but only mid morning till mid afternoon

    either excavating ruins or repairing buildings or clearing the countryside

    type of thing

    you only pay your ticket there

    & i met zillions of people

    from all over europe

    (I so am glad at times like that

    that I am European not American, know what I mean?)

    Edyta: hmmm

    tell me why?

    Gledwood: well America is one culture

    Edyta: ahaaaa

    Gledwood: the DIFFERENCES

    are more of CLASS

    and money things

    Edyta: yeah got it


    Gledwood: whereas in Europe everyone has their own ... ok

    Edyta: tell me gleds, to what countires have u travelled?

    Gledwood: ok when I was about 11 Malta

    then Holland about 13


    did that work camp thing

    also Spain

    and Morocco i went to morocco by train and boat via spain from Wales!

    flew to India in 2000


    Gledwood: that's it but I'm so glad i went esp morocco & india

    Edyta: time to use this emotion: :O

    Gledwood: morocco is v like india

    you should definitely go


    bc i tell you

    Edyta: guess what

    Gledwood: a stereo or something

    Edyta: Dan said the same thing!

    Gledwood: ... sorry?


    Edyta: he said india was magical


    Gledwood: basically things you can hold in your hand are nice but if you can get totally away you never forget it

    the stars are amazing

    the atmosphere is kind of magic as well

    having said that

    Edyta: yeah...

    Gledwood: i think back

    and was well not TOTALLY unaware


    Edyta: awww! i wish i could travel :)

    Gledwood: you can!

    Edyta: yeah, but its not for my pocket :)

    Gledwood: you already have English better than a lot of English people

    no what I'm saying is

    you can go to London/Paris did you do French I can't remember?

    you could go to somewhere like that

    and work

    and travel on THAT money

    Edyta: :)

    sounds fascinating

    however i dont know french

    Gledwood: you wil meat so many people in places like London paris

    what is the other language

    apart fromRussian

    Edyta: i know only 4 languages


    Gledwood: Lithuanian

    Edyta: & lithuanian

    Gledwood: Oh Polish

    Edyta: thats right

    Gledwood: How come Polish?


    you've polish blood?

    Edyta: i am polish myself

    Gledwood: oh! i bet it's a long story

    how you came to be in lithuania

    Edyta: t'is

    Gledwood: then!

    Edyta: well

    Gledwood: haha



    Edyta: r u sure u wanna hear this?


    Gledwood: ok

    Edyta: the history

    of lithuania


    dum dum dum dum


    soa, back in the 1920's

    vilnius, the capital of LT

    Gledwood: yep

    Edyta: didnt belong to lt at all

    cuz the polish came

    Gledwood: ok

    Edyta: & kinda occupied it

    Gledwood: ok

    Edyta: soa, it belonged to poland

    then during the world war 2

    Gledwood: i think i know what ur gonna say

    did the borders all move

    to the west

    Edyta: it was also occupied by the natzis & polsih &

    everyone else, who wasnt lazy


    but then

    as the natzis lost

    the borders were set

    during the postdam conference

    in 1945 i think

    Gledwood: yep they cut right into Germany


    used to be German

    Edyta: THATS RIGHT!

    Gledwood: didn't there used to be 2 bits of Germany

    with Poland in the middle?

    Edyta: so lithuania took vilnius again

    Gledwood: Is Vilnius a v old place?

    Edyta: & poland had a larger teritory in the end

    so u see

    there was this mixture of culture

    in vln


    Gledwood: u must not remember the USSR

    Edyta: the polish

    Gledwood: surely you're too young?

    Edyta: russians

    Gledwood: weren't you about 2 when the wall came down


    Edyta: USSR!

    i was born in the ussr!

    Gledwood: yeah there#s loads of russians

    Edyta: i was born in a country

    Gledwood: there weren't they

    Edyta: that does not exist!

    Gledwood: and they don't speak Lithuanian


    oh i see

    somehow the former ussr government

    let you keep the latin alphabet

    i remember reading that bc that's well unusual

    Cyrillic became the badge of Communism.

    Edyta: well u see

    artists couldnt paint

    singers couldnt sing

    writers couldnt write

    cuz they were just banned

    cuz of the censorship

    Gledwood: i remember seeing this clip of moscow/somewhere in the 1960s

    this guy was dancing in the street

    Edyta: OH!

    Gledwood: the commentator said something really telling

    bc midway through the dance

    Edyta: now dont get fooled!!!!

    Gledwood: the guy LOOKED OVER HIS SHOULDER

    see what i mean?

    Edyta: let me tell ya

    Gledwood: what do you mean don't get fooled

    Edyta: when a troup from london

    or paris

    was comming to the ussr

    they had this programme called

    cleaning time

    during this time

    they would gather all homeless ppl

    or bandits

    Gledwood: shove them away?

    Edyta: & drive them



    & then the foregners

    Gledwood: oh! i see...

    Edyta: see this pompastic

    idyllic place

    Gledwood: yep

    Edyta: so, it was all an illusion, this ussr



    Gledwood: i didnt know they had homeless

    and bandits

    i thought

    that after the wall came down

    the black marketeers

    from ussr times

    took over

    & became mafia

    but i didn't realize there was already any underclass

    didn't everyone get a job?

    i heard about people

    working in factories

    basically employed

    to lock the doors at 5pm

    Edyta: well

    they died bc of overwork...

    Gledwood: sitting all day doing nothing bc their job was basically made up

    oh the OPPOSITE

    Edyta: yeah...

    Gledwood: i heard there were jobs

    basically with nothing much to do

    Edyta: noooo

    Gledwood: just so 100% employment cold be claimed

    Edyta: mostly there was physical work

    carrying stones

    & heavy things

    & working a non humane work

    & no difference who r u

    Gledwood: like slavery


    Edyta: a professor or a thief

    u have to do it

    Gledwood: it sounds almost as bad

    Edyta: or be shot


    Gledwood: as the Cultural Revolution

    gabber132 has left.

    Gledwood: in China

    Edyta: exactly!


    its worse

    gabber26 has joined.

    Edyta: China was just a follower

    of the ussr regime

    Gledwood: really? but Mao sounded like a NUTTER!

    Edyta: it was awful!

    he was


    Edyta: but mao admired stalin

    & kinda copied him

    Gledwood: he was on a level with hitler

    Edyta: however stalin

    Gledwood: stalin

    i mean

    Edyta: was just laughing at him

    Gledwood: yeah? at mao


    Edyta: thats right!

    Gledwood: the way I see it

    since communism came down

    nearly everywhere

    the world is unified

    Edyta: yeah

    Gledwood: and trading one country with another

    Edyta: but on the other hand

    it broke ppl's lives

    there r different ppl

    some r more conservative

    they couldnt deal this new laws

    cuz they got used to communism

    Gledwood: it's not fair

    i understand that

    Edyta: a lot of them even finished their own lives

    by suicide

    Gledwood: i'm one of those peole

    Edyta: so, its an awful thing, in general

    Gledwood: i could have either been a model citizen


    i would have gone contrary

    and said

    this system of ours (communism) is

    too RIGHT WING








    Edyta: sounds disgusting, doesnt it?

    it changed the mentality of so many ppl!

    Gledwood: really it's like orwell

    Edyta: for example

    lets play pretend

    i am ur naighbour

    Gledwood: yeah

    Edyta: right?

    Gledwood: ok

    Edyta: neighbour*

    & i see that u bought a new car

    Gledwood: yep

    Edyta: so i automatically think

    that u have more than me

    u live a btter life

    gabber26 has left.

    Edyta: u should be get ridden of

    what do i do?

    i call the KGB

    Gledwood: oh you grass me up to

    Edyta: tell on u

    Gledwood: yes

    i see

    Edyta: a black car comes

    they get u

    torture u

    make u admit to crimes u ahve never done

    Gledwood: yes

    Edyta: & voila

    u r :

    Gledwood: of course

    Edyta: a) in prison

    b) shot

    c) a slave worker

    so this is how it all was working

    Gledwood: or didn't they used to say people were insane?

    Edyta: i've read books abt it

    how they made soap out of human fat left overs

    ropes from human hair

    Gledwood: and pump them full of antipsychotics just bc they disagreed with the system?

    oh that

    is dusgusting

    i heard that as well

    Edyta: its awful


    Gledwood: hitler

    Edyta: worjkers were eating

    Gledwood: or natzis making human leather

    Edyta: bodies

    Gledwood: gross

    Edyta: of their own dead friends

    Gledwood: it's easy to say this now

    Edyta: yeah...

    Gledwood: but i don't think

    Edyta: these were not ppl anymore

    Gledwood: i could ever eat another person

    Edyta: these were animals

    Gledwood: i see what you mean

    Edyta: & when freedome came

    Gledwood: did you ever read George Orwell

    Edyta: & these animals were free

    Gledwood: Animal Farm 1984

    Edyta: they just commited suicide

    Gledwood: i don't blame them

    Edyta: or killed other ppl

    Gledwood: do you know

    we still don't hear that much

    Edyta: cuz their mentality was forever changed

    Gledwood: about this stuff over here

    Edyta: THATS RIGHT

    Gledwood: that#s why i'm glad

    i did german

    bc it gave me access to 2 worlds

    but the wall came down between

    starting the A level course

    and finishing it!

    Edyta: oh yeah


    Gledwood: it was weird

    Edyta: scary world we live in

    Gledwood: i was fascinated by east

    berlin etc


    u mean now?


    Edyta: in general

    Gledwood: i see what you're saying HUMAN NARUEW


    Edyta: look at history

    Gledwood: sorry

    Edyta: all ppl do is hate

    Gledwood: history is full of repetitions

    Edyta: & by hate we kill





    Gledwood: i know

    i have to go

    as well

    Edyta: i've gotta run

    Gledwood: i don't want to keep ypu


    i hope your friend

    well i know

    Edyta: we should repeat our conversatiob

    Gledwood: will be ok

    and best

    Edyta: thanx, Gleds

    Gledwood: of luck with XAM

    Edyta: !

    Gledwood: take care!

    Edyta: tahnk you

    Gledwood: see you later!

    Edyta: u too, surely!

    Gledwood: ok


    Edyta: cya cya :)


    Edyta has left.

    Gledwood: ok



  11. hi there , i found you , welcome to my blog and let me have a chance to see yours , thanks so much , and here is my flickr photos , take a look if you have time , cheers~

  12. here it is:



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