Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Slow Day; Hot Day

THE WEATHER IS WARM AND SULTRY and yet still I'm frozen. Have to go out yet still don't want to go (don't even really want to be here). My problem, someone told me years ago was that I always wanted to be somewhere else. Imagine that, living eternally somewhere else. Now I want to be eternally here. Don't want to move. And it's hot. And I'm going to see a friend in need. I will help that friend.

But still: I do not want to move.


  1. I hardly ever want to move. But when I can't, it's the only thing I want to do. When I was having chemo, all I could think of was getting off the damn sofa and doing something. Too much pain, way too little energy. I've now resumed my regular work schedule and dream of sitting on my sofa all day long. You just can't me happy. Take care, Gled.

  2. Oops. I usually post in a different name. Zennist is your usual ggirl.

  3. I know! Hi! Thanks for the Answer

  4. sorry this is just a memo to self

    1. feature in tonight's post as interesting blog and

    2. purloin all those blog directories

  5. and this one: portuguese kid

  6. duh! here's the url


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