Friday, August 10, 2007

Cool Friday

NOW THE HEAT OF THE DAY HAS COOLED, legions of smokers congregate on the pavements round the tables to smoke, smoke, smoke ...

I slept in today... finally waking around 3pm nightmaring about my Australian cousin's friends (who were the best crowd of people in the world and they say a man (or a woman) is known by is (or her) friends ... too true. Very true ...) and my "eye" teeth rotten and falling out. In this dream I was so upset and distraught about this ... and then I woke up in this mid-afternoon, fan a-blasting and Amy Winehouse a chirping through my silver new CD player (had been on repeat-play all night ...) ... I didn't feel good. And then I got a letter that nearly made me cry. I don't even wanna write about that until later....
POOR AMY WINEHOUSE, who is probably ahead of Pete Doherty as the tabloids' favourite over here (she has substance and style and, seemingly, a very reportable alcohol-&-drug problem ... was on the front page of The Sun for a reported three-day binge on cocaine, ecstasy, "horse tranquillizer" (ketamine), brandy and whiskey..." that began on 1pm Monday and eventually culminated in an emergency admission to London University Hospital at 1am on Wednesday morning, with Amy pale and shaking (she had been in convulsions) ... and with "the dead eyes of a shark" ... ooer. I sincerely hope the poor girl doesn't kill herself before she has a chance to achieve even greater things because she has one hell of a voice on her. (Why do Jewish girls get the best voices??)
Righto! My time is nearly up so this is all until tomorrow afternoon at earliest. I'm having severe plant problems so all is being repotted as a matter or urgency. Idiot Homebase sold me a mixture of high and low water requirement plants in one arrangement ... eejuts!!

Streisand - The Way We Were
Poodle Watches Chinchilla's Dust Bath


  1. Amy Winehouse is one of my favourites singer....
    rehab is so beautiful!
    i'm spanish, sorry for my patetic english

  2. "The Way We Were" of my all-time favourite movies.

  3. I love barbara streisand, she has a beautiful voice...
    what's the matter with your plants?

  4. ya i wonder what's wrong with your plant?
    anyway, read your pet blog but it's too slow to upload the pictures..don't know why. anyway good job! :)

  5. Hi Gleds

    Just to say I am back and checking you out. Hows all the drug stuff?

    Thinking of you
    sad xxx

  6. I love The Way We Were...just beautiful.

    I haven't heard much of Amy Whinehouse but like what I have heard...didn't know about her antics though. I thought she was American...shows what I know.

    Got a bit of catching up here to do .

  7. My sick mind hears "three-day binge on cocaine, ecstasy, "horse tranquillizer" (ketamine), brandy and whiskey..." and starts to think "Hmmm, sounds like fun!" . . .

    Then I remember how I felt after my last binge, and consider how I feel now, after 19+ months clean and sober . . .

    Hmmm, maybe not so fun . . .

    I'll throw a prayer Amy's way . . .

    Namaste . . .

  8. I don't know Amy Winehouse but she sounds a rather sad girl. However, Barbra Streisand I do know and my alltime favourite song of hers is "Memory".

    What a cute little animal the Chinchilla is, but I had to laugh at the would have loved to have grabbed that Chinchilla!

  9. Hi, Gled. Are you making your posts using a laptop or PC. Just curious.

  10. Esthercash: I agree about Winehouse. I'm actually not so fond of Rehab!

    Lee: I agree

    Mousie: I think they got over-hot and all water I put down for them evaporated inside that glass sphere (even though I'd thought it would actually make it too wet and humid it seemingly did the opposite effect ...)

  11. Elween: as I said to Mousie: plants probably got too hot and dry under that glass ... as for the pets blog: do you have the right flash player/whatever it's called thing for playing the Youtube clips..? Maybe you need to get an update. I know that can cause probs sometimes ...

    Sadgirl: Hey I'm so glad you're back around !!! Drug stuff no better really ... they said at the drugs service I should do things a step at a time but really I wanna cut it all out all together at once ...

    Deb: Streisand? You surprise me I thought you were more a rock chick!! Amy Winehouse I think you would like. Don't be taken in by that dreadful Beat It interpretation on my music blog that is NOT her, her usual music is FAR funkier. I will try and post some more of the best stuff up ...

  12. Oceanshaman: yeah at least you can keep in mind the bad stuff. Lots of people let memory play tricks and only remember when it's good ... know what I mean?? Not that I'm any1 to preach or set any kind of example ...

    Puss-in-Boots: yeah you're right ... Memory is an excellent song I don't know why she never put out a whole album just of Andrew Lloyd Webbers ... her Memory is much better than the Elaine Paige so called "definitive version" over here (BC Elaine Paige is darling of the British musical stage) - only thing is Elaine Page's version was far better produced. Streisand has a knock-out voice though. Can knock almost ANYONE out!!

    Steve G: No! Using an internet cafe table top (well, under the table) very dirty PC!!

    Thanks for all your messages everyone ...!! ...


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