Sunday, September 02, 2007

Baby Itchy Frantic Nonday Sunday Posting L8R...

WHAT ARE SUNDAYS FOR? Mine always seem to go past in a haze or lumpen plodding of useless disrespectability... somehow...

Baby Itchy, the Porkshire Terrier lookylikey was due to pay Mother Hubbard a visit... but he scrabbled so desperately against his carry container and ran so eagerly for the light each time I looked in on him that I eventually relented and left him at home with the other two. (If he IS a him... I'm now starting to question even THAT!)

So I went to Mother Hubbs alone. She was claiming not to have "used"... which I somehow found easy to doubt... why do people lie to me?

THERE IS A DRUGS DROUGHT ON! Heroin is scarce... but I'll tell you what's really hard to find and Mother Hubbard knows this from her grandsons and I know it from Valium Marilyn's son... that evil green herb, the Devil's own grass.. CANNABIS! Ukkie stuff - I'm glad.

Well this was just a short post to say I have actually got out of the house today... even though I did stay under covers till 3pm...

There is another post due later... so do pop back. I have scribbled it out already in my maroon booklet so it shall be here within 2 hours I promise... consciousness permitting.. no don't say that....

wahey!... ho-hum...

thanks for the bookwriting advice and comments, folks... THAT is what that other post's ABOUT...

Tunes of the Day:
~ Randy Crawford - One Day I'll Fly Away
~ Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining
~ Sinead O'Connor - Troy


  1. Hi Gleds; great vids. Have to say I was so surprised to read your comment about being from Turnip Head stock....Manda and I have always had this imaginary view of you as being from a long line of aristocracy and EVER SO POSH!!! but you went sort of wayward and turned your back on it all. I guess we both read too much Mills and Boon in our youth...LOL

  2. P.S. we also have this imaginary view of what you look like!

  3. me being posh.. well i have been mistaken for posh MORE THAN ONCE but i am NOT


    BUT: i use my fork like a shovel for one thing (stead of turning it upside down)

    i saw myself on stepbrother's wedding vid and have to say i did look like a genuine toff there

    but genetically unless there's something I don't know i am totally normal .. except aparently my real surname comes from norman french which would suggest i have "noble" ancestory


  4. Hi Gledwood. First, thanks for your visit and comment at Politics Plus.

    I like your music and particularly enjoyed the Marley tune.

    On your quiz...
    ***You Are: 0% Dog, 100% Cat***

    You are are almost exactly like a cat.
    You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way.
    And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone!

    Fortunately, that one was easy to predict in order to get the only right answer for me. ;-)

    Have a great day.

  5. wow 100 % CAT ... well a TOMCAT WOULD BE I SPOSE!!

    TAKE IT .E.Z....



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