Saturday, October 13, 2007


IF YOU WERE WONDERING why I call my hammies little "cows" it's because they have fat noses just the same...

If you don't believe me have a click:

Here's a roborovski.

Here's a cow.

Note the practically-the-same giant nose!


Itchy-lookalike in Lego-house.


FILM OF THE DAY: Soviet Tsar Bomb - Best Nuclear Device Ever Exploded!


  1. My daughter (who is 25, btw) has had hammies since she was in college.

    We love fun and cute!

    Except for when they escape, of course.... ;-)

  2. Thankfully mine never have. Dunno I'd ever find them again if I did....

    oh, apart from when Yingyang my Chinese one used to sleep up my sleeves when he was a baby I'd wake up at 5am to find HE had woken before me and was pinging round the carpet at 180mph!

  3. Hi Gledwood, Thanks for visiting me. I took the top quiz and we had some similarities in our results. I am "Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving." It also said "Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men". I think those quizzes are fun. Take care, Carver

  4. I did notice the nose connection lol
    I forgot to add the other day I liked your description of your hammies under the broccoli tree

    ... glad you got to see the funny yellow explosion, feel free to purloin, he deserves a wider audience and everyone needs to laugh *!*

    did you loose your hat?

  5. Bimbimbie: I don't know how to purloin those blogger screens though... do you?

    Nicole: Mother Hubbs disagrees with me but I think pastel colour milky minty green and milky purple and milky pink and milky light blue Leggo bits would be the dog's *******s!


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