Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm Fine. Fine Robos...

I'M FINE; THE ROBBIES ARE FINE. I've decided not to bark on about "going clean" as I briefly intimated the other day until after the fact this time as it will be less of a wind-up on all you readers.

I have to go now as I'm in a cybercaff with literally 5 mins till time-out.

Till tomorrow!!


  1. Can't answer any comments till tomorrow... sorry!

  2. No worries...we can wait.

    I'm a "boozing mother" tonight (which is rare for me these days).

    Bought some pomegranite/blueberry/vodka things and am finding them quite nice. And I'll be damned if they aren't from wonder I like them.

    Have a good night gled. Talk to you tomorrow.

  3. hi thx for popping by. Have a great week

  4. Thank you for dropping by - you are a lovely singer btw.

    That personality quiz informs me that I have a "very rare" personality which rather concerns me as now I feel like a steak.

  5. Hi Gleds

    Your writing sounds like you are doing really well with it. Do you feel its helpful? Sorry I have not been to your blog much recently when I was in the doldrums. You have been very helpful to me Gleds so hope I can say some good stuff in return. Hoping you are having a good weekend. It is tragic that someone with your articulate nature and intelligence has ended up in such difficulties. I wish I could do a detox for you! If you want a laugh think of my hubbie this afternoon Morris dancing somewhere! Well he always makes me laugh and no he doesn't wave hankies, they bash sticks!

    thinking of you
    sad x

  6. hi, and good to get glimpses of u at your blog...still reading and digesting! thanks for stopping by my blog..


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