Sunday, December 23, 2007

Heat Is Back!

I HAVE HEAT! All for the sake of a busted 13A fuse... now refrigeration is back... heat is back (from cooker-power)... TEA is back too. I've bought 250g of McVite's digestives ("70% wholemeal wheat and goodness!") in celebration.

Whooh! To be honest I thought after last night's sounding off nobody would ever want to talk to me again.

Mixed sex hospital wards (especially for the over 50s) in this country nobody wants them. And I really feel sorry for old ladies trapped with old men going "rampant" upon them. Not (usually) literally... but who knows.... How on earth is that condusive to getting better. Yes it probably is a cultural thing, but it's not part of the culture here. Surely (as I said) someone can simply re-divvy up the floorspace M~F~M~F again... what's so difficult about that?

Kids: I don't hate kids at all but if you've seen how badly they let rip (here in London, I'm not trying to speak for anywhere else) they seriously are little devils-in-the-making... Even Americans, people from the very home of guncrime and disorder say our kids are something else which must surely make you think...

Now it's not so to-the-bone chilly I might be able to tempt Itchy out for a heavily supervised ramble. Before this morning I don't blame them all for hiding in teaboxes, nests of cotton ... etc...

Hey! Now I've got heat back I can also wash clothes... which was temporarily pretty impossible (well, unless you were willing to give them 2 days per item to dry)... and then risk it smelling of a summer camping holiday. Eurgh.

I've dredged up some extra-special pagan Xmas things on video. The sacramento "flower crowns" people go on for 20 mins but are fairly entertaining. If you don't like that go for the Two Ronnies "Worm That Turned"... an "Apocalyptal" View of the World ruled by women in leather hot-pants.

True Meaning of Xmas
Two Ronnies Worm That Turned I and II


PS (11:40pm) Poor Baby Itchy went out for a highly supervised nonjumpy-down ramble tonight. She was awfully subdued and circumspect. I think she's got bored of her enclosed life of toilet tubes, a wheel and an old Parmesan cheese tub as a toilet!!


Rudolph the red-nose rain-DOG ... from Lamplight's blog ...


Hey I got visitors from all 6 continents again!

My stats are no more voluminous than anyone else's, but my visitors do seem to come from especially far and wide, which I find enormously flattering... as well as mysterious as I don't know who the vast majority of these people are!


Look at this amazing front lawn parrotry pecking about the grass... rainbow lorrikeets etc etc...

(from Bimbimbie's, which means "place of the birdies" in mysterious Aboriginal...)


  1. Hi, Gleds! Sorry I haven't ben over for a while but i've been on my knees trying to cope with new job and Oz cousin's visit! Anyway, I voted for Tinkerbelle because I like the grumpy minx and I want to wish you a very BUON NATALE from Sicily. Oh, and Simi wants to join in , too! xxxx

  2. Hi Gledwood and thanks for dropping by my site.

    I know one other person in London - Michael. Perhaps that's where you saw me?

    In any event, have a joyous Christmas/Boxing Day and feel free to steal anything from my blog you wish. After all, I stole it in the first place (from You Tube).

    A few posts back I have a clip of Kiri singing Gesu Bambino. It's nice too except most of my readers who commented didn't know who she or the song was.

  3. glad you've got heat.

    wishing you and the robos a merry christmas

  4. Just popped in to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS !

  5. Nice to see the two Ronnies, although the clip was abysmal. I really like those two comedy actors.

    The "Rein-dog" was lovely :)

    No snowflakes here in Hell-sin-ki, but Christmas lights do look good when it's pitch black, and the red traffic lights twinkle oh so brightly.

    A very Merry to you, Gledwood!

  6. Gledwood,

    Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 2008!

  7. Granny: Dame Kiri is quite famous here bc she sang at Prince Charles's wedding, in the cathederal in 1982 and that launched her international career so I heard. I think her voice is amazing...

    ... I had come to you by hopping out of a friend of a friend's comments on a "blog hop" that I sometimes do, that's probably how I got confused about the London connexion. Have a very Merry One yourself!


    Lime: You too!! ;->...

    Gattina: Joyeaux Noelle! ;->...

  8. Rita: the two Ronnies were my favourite, esp Ronnie Barker but I think he's dead now...

    ... they said the dog had to be bribed with lots of doggie treats to get that photo. She does look really entertaining doesn't she.

    I actually guessed she was a F but the blog bore me out. She just looks like a lady dog, know what I mean ..?!?


    Ancient Mariner: You too

    Have a Very Entertaining One
    and a Brilliant 2008


  9. Wishing you some Festive Joy Gleds

    ... see you already have the start of it with the tea and McVite's, thank goodness you have some heat back too - well done that man *!*

    Lord of the Dance ... I didn't know the connection to Lord Shiva ... brainwashed at Sunday School see! Beaming on the inside now as I think how we used to sing that one off the tops of our little heads.

    Two Ronnies brilliant *!*

    Very cute Rain-dog too

  10. o no I'm sure that "Lord of the Dance" is pagan... even the tune sounds ... well not "traditional"ly English and Shiva was definitely Lord of the Dance

    I think it crept in under the guise of "inclusivity"~!!

  11. gleds ... in answer to your two questions about the birds and bird translation .... "flocked if I know" ;) ... sorry but it's the only time of year I can get away (hopefully) with a bad joke - got it from a cracker ... one of Polly's perhaps

    Merry Chrissie *!*

  12. Hi Gleds, thanks for your kind wishes on my blog.

    I wish you a very nice Christmas too and I hope that 2008 will bring what you expect out of it which is hopefully a lot :-)

    I'm glad to read you got your power back so stuff is working again.

    have a good one mate,


  13. I love McVitties Digestives!! Especially the chocolate ones - no better way to celebrate than a few McVits and a nice hot cup of tea!!
    Thanks for stopping by = glad you had a good festive day. I wish I was in the UK - I am from the North originally and still yearn for winter (especially in mid-summer Australia!)

  14. Bimbimbie: ;->...

    Vincent: ;->...

    Lamplight: McVite's yumm ;->...



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