Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Parmesan Toilet

THOSE SLATTERNLY ROBOHAMSTERS! I can't believe what they have got up to now. Remember my boast of how well-organized they were, even having their own Parmesan-tube public latrine for "hygeine"?

Well I was wondering why, when I stuck my head in the tartan earlier tonight and cooed "come out you tiny tubbies!" they seemed to appear from nowhere and go scampering clockwise in Grand National fashion, all guilty-like and agitated...

Now I know where they appeared from: the Parmesan Lavatory! No wonder Itchy, who looked more bashed-up, touselled and Porkshire Terrorizer-like than usual, ponged more poignantly of peepee than ever before.

They had set up home in the public toilet and were squashed in grooming one another among the urine-soaked woodchips! Well they must have been very cosy in that tiny tubby tub-tub. Barely any room to move past each other - surely a test of patience in most circumstances. They do get on admirably well. And as burrow-dwellers don't seem at all offended when, out of their nest one of their housemates rushes up to them, clambers all over their back or even pushes them backwards to collapse legs-akimbo and just walks all over them like an especially tubby bit of carpet!

The Parmesan Tube is being sternly washed out with extra-strong detergent. And now the teabox (three quarters full of hamster-gathered seeds already) is forming interim secondary accommodation...

And how was your evening..??

Right I didn't have much chance to answer messages until now as I was sneakily using the computer at someone else's and didn't want my own URL flagged up too much... you know I like to keep some dignified distance from the baying herds ... I do hope you all had a cheery time though and I shall be in touch with as many people as possible in the next day or two... ta-raa!!


And from my brief internet rambles:

This (real) family Xmas looks just like Christmas Day from the movies...


FINALLY I've dredged up a full and nonparodying version of the Queen's Christmas Message so clickonit or scroll above if you missed this year's or want to see it again ...


  1. Hi, gleds. Naughtie hammies but they must still be so cute! You seem to be on form - good for you. Haver a great rest-of-hols time if you can. thinking of you in sicily xx

  2. Thank you they are little beady-eyed swines and Bashful tried to BITE me again this eve... Have a very good 2008 "buena nuevo anneo"... is that good enough Fake Italian..?!?

  3. Hi Gleds, poor you trying to help the little Yorkie dog and you get some objectionable type giving you a hard time for your kindness.

    Bet those Robos planned it all and said "wait till he see's this" in robospeak *!*

  4. Yes you are probably quite right... and only today I caught Bashful hiding in a tube and chewing the door off the toilet, so I picked up the toilet and what happens? but ITCHY comes shooting out. Perhaps they are planning to convert it into a space rocket to escape... or something...

  5. Welshcakes:

    Felice anno nuovo

    is the phrase

    I do believe...


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