Friday, December 28, 2007

RIP Benazir; Predictions for Next Year...

SO POOR BENAZIR BHUTTO, former 1980s Prime Minister of Pakistan (and international best drest leader. Far funkier choice of outfits than Margaret Thatcher who was her contemporary)... was assassinated yesterday. Though the Pakistani government claim she wasn't shot at all, but fell and fatally clonked her head as bullets flew all around, her assailant subsequently blew himself up killing twenty bystanders. Whatever the precise cause, the lady is dead. I was wondering why on earth she went for Prime Minister when she could have been President, but have just discovered that the consitution of Pakistan supposedly places President as Queen-like figurehead with the PM holding the true reins of power. Some dictator-style Presidents, like Musharraf, have over the years, altered the constitution to their own ends to allow themselves to be President and All Powerful.

Valium Marilyn took me out for Chinese food tonight. Chicken-capsicums-blackbean-sauce-mound-of-lice for me. Very nice. Pad Thai for her. I could have done with a side-order of heroin, I must say, but hey. Lovely food, but neither of us could finish it and I ended up taking half mine home in a doggie bag!

Now Xmas is over I feel like the world. Drab and down. And overinclined to doze... I hope everyone else is OK. Most of you seem still to be off away on holidays...

Anyway: New Year's next week; here are my World Predictions for 2008:-

~ US dollar to decline further, maybe to $2.50 to the £ sterling, but to bottom out. Euro gains increasing favour as world reserve currency

~ Hilary Clinton to be US President (nobody's even heard of the Republican contenders over here)

~ As of February it's Chinese Year of the Rat, my own sign and supposedly my year. I shall get a publishing deal for my memoirs and the Baying Gwendolina novel (had to get "baying" somehow into 2008 predictions haha!!)

~ Violence and disorder spread across Britain's streets

~ Worldwide oil and fuel crisis deepens

~ Spherical, my tubbiest robo, at last gets genuinely pregnant

~ Osama Bin Laden captured - dead.

Video of the Day
Obituary of Ronnie Barker, my favourite comedian of all ...


  1. We'll have to see about your predictions...could be right on the money.

    Is that a Ronnie from the two Ronnies?....I remember them - we used to get them over here.

    Happy New Year gleds...I'm just popping by for a minute...haven't been blogging much. Funeral for my friend tomorrow so we'll see what happens after that.

    Did I read it correctly? bean lice? Doesn't sound good, even though I love black bean sauce!

  2. Happy Holidays Gled,

    Just wanted to wish ya luck with the year of the rodent (I'm a dirty ape as Heston would say). My only prediction is that whatever world events occur, the 24/7 media of today will sensationalize it exponentially.

  3. Yes, RIP Benazir - not unexpected but still shocking to hear of her violent death. She was very brave to return and to continue on after the first attempt on her life failed.

    I'm a rattie too - I only realised the other day that I'm a Metal Rat didn't know there are different types *!*

    You paint a gloomy picture for 2008 but I think you are on the mark for a couple of them.

    That was nice of Valium Marilyn - she must have been on her best behaviour for you to accept - good for her ... hope it continues into 2008 *!*

    Lots of dozing here too ... yawn!

  4. YES!
    I am back, I know, right!
    I'll catch up with everything asap. Darn i missed everyone. Feels good to be back!

  5. drab and down, dozey - and also rather windy today...

    so, should i buy dollars for my US trip (in April) now - or hold out for a bit longer?

    seasonal festive greetings and all that.

  6. i've just watched the vid, thanks for that, excellent - and i've not seen that one for ages. About time the Beeb did some repeats.

  7. Debs: I'm v sorry about your friend. I hope your New Year is better than the Old!

    Yes Ronnie Barker was the Big Two Ronnie I thought he was hilarious. Reminded me of a step auntie I had in extended family (who I really liked... probably even more as she reminded me of Ronnie Barker in drag)

    Discovering: hey I was thinking about you today as it goes (I really was!!)... I have had bad trouble leaving messages at yours so Happy New Year if I don't manage to get through otherwise...

    Bimbimbie: Benazir: yes I agree. I'm a water rat apparently. I could get a job in Wind of the Willows.

    Do you know I was inspired by a BBC radio show of news correspondents' predictions to make similar ones along their lines... I barely even NOTICED that of course in line with traditional news-telling EVERY ONE except me and hamsters has to be NEGATIVE as news=BAD NEWS hmmm

    Edyta: wow you are back PLEASE START POSTIN' AGAIN. C'MON!!

    Lettuce: o dollars. For the USA obviously you HAVE to get dollars. I would buy some now some later that way split the risk.

    What annoyed me about the dollar was travelling to India (I think it was) maybe Morocco. but the £ sterling exchange rate went VIA the dollar whatever you tried to do... so the dollar influenced everything... when I went India I ignored the crappy advice of UK banks (NEVER take £ sterling traveller's cheques abroard unless you have severe patience. Euros and dollars rule)... I got dollar travellers cheques and had so much easier time than with ill-advised pounds some years ago in France. Ukk

  8. I hope your prediction for Osama Bin Laden is right!

    We're going out for a Chinese Banquet on Tuesday evening, then I'm definitely starting my DIET!!!

  9. Beef black bean sauce mix veg fried rice I recommend

    also I love Chinese chicken curry

    yumm yumm

    f*** the diet till next year

    ooer next year is about 3 days away... ho-hum!

  10. I have many Diana and other royal books and none of the decor is particularly interesting. However, I do LOVE reading the stories!
    I felt terrible when hearing Benazir Bhutto had died, however it happened. She'd been in danger for some time, so that she still went on with her decision to try and make Pakistan a better place for it's people was very courageous.
    I was just chatting with someone yesterday and said how I would love to travel to Europe someday, but she said it's getting so much more expensive because our dollar value is next to nothing.
    Have a great '08!

  11. It's the death of Benazir that saddens me the most. She predicted it would happen.

    And look at old Musharraf, grinning like the Cheshire cat...

    Sad part is who's payroll is he on?

    The US's, that's who... But I'll bet you knew that already.

  12. Crystalchick: I agree the Royals are fascinating... I do think poor Diana was given the worsematched castoffs and didn't have the heart to complain about it. Buckingham Palace is nowhere near as slovenly as her apartment at "KP" seemed. Also I've seen another interior at KP and it was wonderful so ...


    Eric: I heard Benazir salted away literally millions in "kickbacks" in "Swiss bank accounts" throughout her reigns and so those "politically motivated corruption charges" levelled against her did actually have substance... the BBC Pakistan correspondent made this claim the day after she passed "on" ...


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