Friday, December 28, 2007

(Thursday) Day After Boxing Day 2007


THOSE PONGEROVSKIS ARE DOZING IN THEIR TEABOX IN DISGRACE. Whenever I dare venture a hand inside, Sergeant Itchy wakes like a light flicking on and glares reprimandingly at me. "Whatever you're thinking, don't bother. We're on to you." She gets more like Spherical every day.

Last time I poked my head in the tartan I kept whispering "hello you little Porkshires. Hello hello!" in the same tones that might have a puppydog scampering this way and that yapping (and maybe even "baying"~haha!). Then out come the three pink noses followed directly by their beady-eyed mini Porkshire terriers' faces. Then they're scampering about this a-way and that, all excited. And Bashful's following my fingers really closely, guaging which moment to seize to bite!


As you can see, not a lot doin' today. Actually when I last did look there was Robo-jamboree going on. One leaping out of the "jagoda" Jaffacakes box, another squashed down the magic-wand tube and violently gnawing at the Parmesan Toilet's door. Then out of the toilet Itchy springs all guiltily (again). I dunno what has got into them.


I did hear a very inspiring radio interview-cum-feature by Alvin Hall who is an American moneyman person who does TV and radio features on business and finance over here (dunno if he is well-known in America at all!) anyway this was on the subject of the American rapper Jay Zee or Jay Z* if you want to be cool (but Z says zed to me!)

Funny: when I was at school the only thing I wanted to be was very rich and successful yet now I'm poor and unsuccessful. But JZ fought his way up from dealing drugs on the drug-ridden streets to rapperstardom to massive success with clothing lines and many many hiphop-oriented endorsement deals in the US. So much so that he was worth $350 million last year which isn't bad.

Now I have to "fight" my way up to the top. But perhaps not much "fighting" is to be done at all: the top is my natural place. Scum, just like cream always floats right up there soon enough!


Nothing else to say: I spent most of the day asleep!


*Jay Z really does have his head screwed on: I found this link "Jay Z disses the dollar... appears flourishing euros in his latest video"... smart guy!!


  1. Set your sights high Gleds, if you want it bad enough you'll get there! x

  2. I bloody well hope so!!

    Never could decide whether I was scum or cream maybe a mixture haha!!

  3. Do you think perhaps the Pongerovskis are taking their roles of Porkshiresness a little too seriously. Some of those Porkshire terriers are all snappy teeth on legs with a ribbon thrown on. You'll have to try for another name that'll have them rolling over for a tummy scratch the moment you look in on them *!*

    ... perhaps it's just the smell of Parmesan that's got to them?

  4. just sheer Yorkshire bloodymindedness morelike!!



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