Monday, January 14, 2008

Haily Monday: Robo Robbery!/Chicken Mayo Sandwich

I'VE JUST HAD TO RUN INSIDE to take shelter from a massive hail-attack! Spraying everywhere like stinging polystyrene beads it comes zinging down..! Massive gusts of wind trumpeted off into the bargain. A real "funny half hour" from the weather...

Yeah... Haily Monday! OK the hailstones weren't quite as big as illustrated... I found those on an imagesearch... if you clickonit, the picture should come out giant-sized and then you should see close up how each golfball sized "stone" is actually many smaller hailstones fused together... how wonderful! (To look at. Not to be caught under. How inconvenient would that be~?!?)

Has anyone else ever witnessed giant hailstones? If so I demand to hear the story forthwith in my commentary box!

My youtube vid of the day shows giant hail too. Windscreen-cracking stuff!

How was your weekend?

Mine went dopily. Not in a drugged sense, but because I've still been sleeping 12+ hours per day. Sorry night. Though I do sleep in the day, too...

The recipe for Chinese curry sauce closes in ever more tightly... Mother Hubbard's Sunday gravy had an inimitable tang of Chinese curry about it so I thoroughly annoyed her by demanding to know precisely how it had been made. Turns out an Oxo chicken stock cube went into it. (Something I'd never have started off curry sauce with... so big thanks to Mother Hubbs)... O, and I'm off to get my batgok/bajiao 八角 star anise right away the minute I've finished tapping this out... Which reminds me buy new woodchips from the pets isle; my poor robos need cleaning out... which further reminds me how could I forget this?


Yes! I saved the poor swines from rank thievery last night! Caught an evil wild sewer mouse right in the act of attempting to sneak into their tank when they were fast asleep dozing (as per usual) to pinch all their tucker! I understand more now why their incredible obsessive pouching instinct and why they've packed that teabox practically to the rafters (well, if a teabox had rafters) with seeds... and then for extra security sleep on top of them.

The mouse pinged off like an electric shock. Hopefully he won't be back in a hurry...

I hope yous all had a cheery weekend. I'd better go now else knowing my luck Tescos will sell out of Star Anise ... (c'mon you know my luck...)


have a nice day everybody!!


a brilliant photoblog I came across today...


Righty-ho: I gotta go. Massive craving for chicken mayo sandwich with red peppers strikes me. I've already got the Czech cornbread and the pepper (actually it's yellow because they're cheaper)... precooked chickenlegs and mayonnaise are calling my name with ever more insistence! GOTTA RUSH!!




  1. Several years ago I lived in a town that had a hale storm. It really messed up some cars that had been left outside. If the people had insurance, the cars got all new body work and paint. It worked out well for those with no garages.

  2. Hmmm...

    you gotta be careful with insurance tho.

    There was a man who owned a 2nd hand car sales thing.

    A massive flood came up so he moved his cars up the hill to escape the water.

    Unfortunately the water STILL got them further up the hill

    but because the cars were moved and no longer parked at the official place of business he WAS NOT COVERED ~for $100,000s of loss!


  3. that video was pretty scary, lucky they were out on an open road and it didn't happen in traffic somewhere.

    We're lucky here (knock on wood)....we don't get really extreme weather much. We get hail, but never anything like that.

  4. I remember being at my cottage when a tornado came steaming through. The hail that came with that was twice the size of a golf ball. I was 10 so I spent most of the experience under the dining room table while it sounded like the end of the world outside.

  5. Debs: really? I thought Canada had pretty EXTREMES of weather... specially in WINTERTIME!! ... maybe not the hail though... it's the sheer ICE I'm thinkin' of! Those "crisp" 40 below mornings...

    Eileen: bloody hell that sounds like a nightmare... I remember seeing film shot by this guy on camcorder when he stayed behind despite the hurricaine warnings and a factor 4 or 5 one came right by... man! the HOWLING!!

  6. Rarely if ever does it hail in Los Angles, and when it does we usually get it the size of small coins or pellets.

    I too am craving one of these chicken mayo sandwiches now. My God, just look at that picture. I am thrilled too by the way, that you used to see Fran Healy all the time! WOW! I LURVE HIM!

  7. He had (had? has... surely) a nice singing voice

    yeah me and fran... y'know (not)

    ... 4gotten what I was gonna say now...

    o yeah the picture!

    sadly not my own but one I Googled

    that looks more like one of my Chinese extravaganzas fed between slabs of bread...

  8. Hey hamster man....What do you know of lewisham? ;0Funky blog...not sure i get it but wil be reading more.

  9. Hullo!

    Your comment on my blog gave me a good giggle and I simply had to respond. Most especially because of the burning desire to shout out, "I am not a Yank!" I'm Canadian and, incidentally, my mum's mum's family came here from Northern England. Funny old world, eh?

  10. Lewisham: there's nothing TOO get!!!

    Kimberley: aark! That is my bad skimming skills or bad geography bc I'm sure the place you said you came from sounded American to me ... oops!

    Hey - see - I can spot a true Northerner every time haha!!

  11. oooer. "BRITISH COLUMBIA :: CANADA"!


  12. The hunt for the perfect chinese curry sauce is quite intriquing Gleds look forward to reading if you finally discover it....oh the celebration..

    Weather has been quite mild up here snow, no hail, just lots of wind and rain. I love a good hail storm (normal size hail though ) I hasten to add.


    Hope you had a good weekend x

  13. We get those hail storms coming through every now and then. A couple of years ago we heard the severe warnings of large damaging hail, the sky had the tell tale green tinge. Just had time to cover the ute windscreen and bonnet with blankets, still received little dimples on the bonnet *!*

  14. I've never personally encountered hail larger than the size of a marble. My brother's house was damaged by hail last year to the tune of $40,000 for a new roof and siding. Fortunately insurance covered it.

    I did encounter a cluster of thunderstorms while returning from a hike to the summit of Santa Fe Baldy outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. My friend I were pelted with a torrent of pea size to marble size hail. Good thing I had a goretex hooded shell with me to cover up because any exposed skin took a painful beating. While the hail was unpleasant, the lighting was terrifying. There were frequent strikes that were far too close for comfort. When there is no delay between the flash and the thunderclap, it's too close. Fortunately we were below treeline as you never want to be caught in a thunderstorm like that above treeline since people make good lighting rods for one strike at least. This went on for about an hour with waves of rain, hail, and the lighting. My so called waterproof hiking boots filled completely to the top with water as a result of the deluge. It took a week for my boots dry out to the point I could wear them again. I've heard thunderstorms in the Rockies described as apocalyptic. That seems about right to me.

  15. Hi there,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope you enjoyed your time. :)

    Also, thanks for the compliment on my eyes. They're a nice gift from my mom. Wasn't she thoughtful? My baby girlie has them, too. They are kind of weird because they're so dark. Most people don't notice them (they aren't immediately striking like light blue eyes are) until they really talk to me, then they're always surprised. It's funny to see people's reactions. Yep, blue, through and through.

    As for Wordpress, I like the usability of it. I started with Blogger and switched after a while so I could change my template more easily, but I've heard Blogger has gotten better and is really workable now, so that's really cool. When I left I still couldn't do much. If you have a blog (hosted by them) you can still have an avatar when you post of other wordpress blogs. Mine is privately hosted and but I still use as my blogging platform cuz I know my way around and like it. I do miss my avatar, though. But! I've found a plugin called Gravatar that allows avatars for commenters on blogs like this. I just need to actually get it set up and haven't had time yet. You can see it in action here, though, for example. It's definitely on my list of things to do. So that's my $0.02 on the wordpress vs. blogger thing. Now that Blogger is doing some cooler things I don't really have much of a preference except I really like the stats counter build into Wordpress.

    Take care and look out for those freakin' massive hailstones! Holy crap, those are huge! :D

    I would have just emailed this to you, but the email you left didn't work for me. So sorry this was really long.

  16. I have never seen hail the size of meatballs. What a frightening thought. Must hurt like heck to be smacked by that stuff.

  17. Hi,

    The Hail around here is usually pea sized, but one year there was a pretty good storm. I didn't see the big pieces of hail, but my sister who lived in Clovis that's a town two cities away said they were the size of the large marble called jumbos (I think). Anyway my nephew who was twelve at the time ran to get one and got pinged on the back by a piece of hail and it gave him a bruse.

    My mom told me a story about driving through (I think it was) New Mexico and they had a flat. Her brother got mad, while he was helping his dad with the tire, and demanded to know who had hit him with that rock. It wasn't a rock it was hail.


  18. Hi Gleds ~~ We only have normal hailstones, although a few times I've seen some the size of tom-bolas? They are the large size marbles. We have had a few cooler days and yes 80F is just nice about 27C. Anything over 3o is too hot for me and over 40C is beyond a joke as 40 is 104F. I have
    a good evaporative cooler and also fans so you guessed right about that. Good for Mother Hubbard and her gravy hint. I hope you get the curry just right to your liking.
    Your chicken and mayo sandwich sounded yummy. I love the taste of
    peppers of all colours. Hope that mouse doesn't return. Take care, Gleds and don't worry about sleeping so much. It is probably better than being out in the cold weather. Kindest regards, Merle.

  19. Bad mouse! I hope he did ping off!

  20. Hi Gleds

    Weather awful yes. I am stuck inside today with only my crochet for company. My mum cannot get to see me because of flooding. Stay inside is what I say and play with your cute hamsters! Are you watching the baby elephants programme on tv? I love all animals especially tapirs. Go on put a tapir on your site as they have cute wiggly noses.

    all the best
    lostgirl x

  21. ok. nowadays ur blog is making e hungry. all that yumie food u post pics of!

  22. Audrey: cheeky mouse ... dead mouse next time I catch 'im

    Bimbimbie: bloody hell!

    Molson: it's funny ... reading down "no larger than a marble" as a "small" size... that is massive! The hail here is no bigger than the balls of polystyrene that stuff beanbags!

    Preposterous: that must have been supremely inconvenient

  23. Hairyshoe: I think I was lucky I got onto blogger when it was the new blogger or blogger ii or "beta" blogger or whatever... I noticed people on the old one, their comments are timed but no day or date is given so 3 weeks of comments look like they all arrived on a single day hmmm...

    Sandy: not to mention the damage such whoppers must do to property

    Janice: that is too odd... hang on did just the one stone fall..??

    Merle: that chicken peppers mayo sandwich I had eaten five times in my head before I had rushed the ingredients together !!

  24. Liz: the nasty shadowy mouse pinged off to oblivion...

    Lost: a tapir. OK!

    Edyta: I shall send you a currysauce.

    in the year 3108 ... ie when I FINALLY get that secret recipe...


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