Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pleasant Weekend Harvest Mice; Back Monday


AS PER USUAL my time has nearly gone... and I probably won't be back on"line" till Monday... so for the time being I'll leave you with these furry harvest mice....


  1. Hi Gleds, cute little mice...harvest mice in the fields...and they can stay there!

    My real (as opposed to my step) father was an orchestra conductor and apart from the fact that the conductor in your video has more hair, it reminded me of the antics he used to get up to while conducting. I think it's called passion...

  2. awww cute mice. much cuter than the one my friend currently has scurrying in her kitchen at night.

  3. The field mice are beautiful..

    Was all for grabbing my red hot pants and throwing the windows open etc but this computer is not letting me play Youtubes without those infuriating breaks and freezes..from what I did see of the requim it was very powerful.. I will keep perservering though. Great post Gleds

    Have a good weekend

  4. They are so sweet Gleds. I once rescued a baby mouse that the cat brought in unhrmed. He was soooooo tiny with long whiskers and the cutest big round eyes.


  5. Cute mice! They have cute noses! I enjoyed the conductor. My husband courted me by taking me and my daughters to sing alongs with real conductors and orchestras!

  6. Requiem is my favorite Mozart piece; the next is the Magic Flute. That is one helleva conductor. I come from Chicago and I've seen some good ones, but in London, your orchestra is one of the best.

  7. Just dropped in to wish you a great day , love the snaps of mickey/minnie !LOL

    Take care


  8. I have to admit that I hate classical music ! It makes me think of funerals ! But your little mice are very cute !!
    I just wanted to tell you that today I have a very special little video on my blog. It is absolutely hilarious and shows the demolition of several houses in Brussels. It happened last week. They did it so good, that the neighbor found himself with a toilet without wall.
    I found it on a Belgian blog;

  9. Hi Gleds,
    Love the harvest mice,proper little cuties aren't they! Yes,I'm afraid some of those little fishies were eating the other ones but at least,they waited till they were dead! The plants aren't real,but they look good, don't they! Not sure about the frog,he might end up hopping all round the living room!

  10. Hi Gleds, Cute . Nice pics one went for a swim in my pool EEEEWWWWWWW. He She was scooped out then quickly put in the bin....
    Hope your well over your tummy bug,,,, Take good care,,,, Jen

  11. let me see if my new picture comes up now

  12. hey this is my new selfportrait: how do you like it? wahey!!

  13. Pussinboots: I've only seen real live actual harvest mice TWICE and I think they were in the same place each time... a wildlife park with an indoor bit and a huge glass tank set up with corn stooks and growing corn and the tiny teeny miniscule little cutsie mice climbing these stalks to their weaver-bird-style nests up top. They are REALLY tiny... less than half the size or ordinary house mice and extraordinarily cute...

    Nessa: totally!

    Cinn: sewermice (housemice) are nothing on harvest mice. black/brown for one thing and not ginger. also big. and really PONGY!! :-<...

    Ropi: cheers. I'm glad it's gone though. Hope you had a good weekend too...

  14. Audrey: what you do if you have time is... let the youtube thing play through. turn down sound if it annoys you. obviously you may need up to 20 mins for a 5 min song if it's breaking up really badly. but let it play through; then when it comes to the end and the red line has tracked right across at the bottom, pull it back and let the youtube start again. now it's "loaded" inside your computer it SHOULD play flawlessly (SHOULD - it works for me and these computers are TERRIBLE!!)

    Margaritas: mice can be very cute. except when they're POOING in your flourpackets... know what I mean...?

    harvest mice at least stay outside and do not venture in houses. they build nests up stooks of corn ("maize")... I worry what happens to them when the combine harvesters come by... they surely must lose their poor nests if not their lives...

    Crumpet: ;->...

    Republic: The BERLIN PHILHARMONIC is the absolute best ... far as I know ... I don't know much about music but I'm pretty assured of THAT!! I'd LOVE to see them. The only full classical piece I've ever seen live is Handel's Messiah. As for opera I've only been 2 or 3 times and the Magic Flute was what I picked to go see the 1st time (about 12 friends came along after I found £2.50 and £5 seats and managed to book a huge block of them...) I love the Queen of the Night Aria with the famous ultra-soprano high F... I have a really good youtube clip on my music vid blog of a young boy singing that with amazingly precise voice ... of all the clips I dredged up of that aria his was the only one where he doesn't audibly shrink back from that aria with it's supersonically high F over top C...

  15. Greeneyes: hi to you too.. long time no see.. sorry I lost you in all the kerfuffle of last year's ending... got your url down now...

    Gattina: I'll come by see your vid presently... re classical music you really hate it?!? How unusual! I love it! But only know it from TV commercials and films ~ like almost everyone else, I suppose!! ;->...

    Angie: Ah I see! FAke aquarium plants!! i was WONDERING how you got your tank so flourishing looking!

    Re the frog: what I did was get a pane of glass made up from the glasscutting shop that fitted the top of the tank exactly but was about 2 inches too short. Another 2 inch long piece was made; this one with holes for all the tubes for filters etc... it meant I could leave the one with the holes down and take the main pane off adn the frog couldn't escape. I NEVER saw him try... and didn't have plants that stretched along the top of the water... I think that is how they get out. By managing to sit up on lillypads/etc. They DO NOT NEED EVER to leave the water (they really don't) so live under, to all intents and purposes like a fish except coming up every half hour or so for air... really entertaining... about £2 each or so... well worth getting one or two seriously they're SO entertaining and add such variety to a tank... also apple snails (giant aquatic snails) make a fine addition to a tank seriously they LOVE sliding down the plant leaves sucking off algae (even artificial plants I should think as it's the algae they're after...)

    Cardinal tetras are GORGEOUS too... just like neons but more bright and pretty

    Jeanette: tummy bug hopefully PERMANENTLY better! Thanks!! ;->...

  16. hey all in all I think THIS pic is more cute and furry and entertaining... do yous all not agree..??


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