Thursday, February 14, 2008

Barbiturated Gear?

Last lot of "gear" I took I was all over the place... haven't a clue WHAT could be in it, but have asked the drugs service to test me ... in case it was cut with barbiturates...


  1. Glad you are taking the safest precautions, get well soon :)

  2. Happy Valentines to you! Stay safe . . .

  3. Okay i'm a wee bit confused here but I hope you are okay honey!

  4. Preposterous: I'll explain in my today's FRIDAY post

    ~Anon: well I've not done the mitepowderfilled ubend yet but shall report back when so attempted...

    TutTut: ooo! am I your Valentine? aw! coo~!

    You can be my secret Val' too...


  5. PATTI

    OK I will explain today (FRIDAY) what I'm on about...

    don't worry 2 much you're not a junkie

    and u done wanna be one so done worry boutit!, darlin! ;->...


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