Thursday, February 21, 2008

A few of my favourite things...

I AM SO SORRY about the post below... all blood and pus gung-ho... I was on a bit of a roll about abscesses I'm afraid and started wandering round the subject of drugs (yet again)... so in an attempt to counteract it here are some pictures of "nice" things I like...

ps I also took down that horrible back abscess video: if you still want to see it it's on my other blog and the link is at the bottom of the post below...

(and btw Vanessa (Feltz) is my favourite radio talkshow host... does a daily show 9am to midday Monday to Saturday on BBC London...)


  1. AWWWWW I'm not usually a fan of CUTE and NICE but THANKS I feel better now :) Peace and Love. Ommmm ...

  2. Sorry! I haven't been to your blog in a few days...haven't been to any for that fact.

    I so want to see the gross back video.LOL I'm sick like that.

    Enjoy your favorite things!

  3. I didn't linger over that photo on your previous post but I read it.
    ... glad you didn't get put into hospital and hope all the trauma has you running next time you need a Dr ...towards the Dr I mean *!*

  4. hadn't been here from guess I need to read it up first....

  5. Anon: hope I didn't nauseate you too much...

    Preposterous: Just click on the post with the blackened thumb at the bottom on back abscess it is GUSHING out...

    Bimbimbie: That photo is gross just makes you want to pop it and cut the black off... well it does me...

    DSinner: injecting into bad vein bad tired narrow thin vein caused huge wound thing (not open wound: like a burn with blisters atop it)... to cut the story short had to go hospital... great saga/etc...

  6. Yay, I love nice and cute pictures, regardless of the reason why you're posting them.

  7. Cinn: good and I lurve your sparkly lips...

    Akelamalu: cool. I wasn't so sure about her at first... never PARTICULARLY liked her... never hated her on the other hand; either... thought she was a "silly cow", probably...

    hey did you see Vanessa on Wife Swap with Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee~~~??? ;->...


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