Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday Oven Shelf Hamster

HAVE AN ENTERTAINING SUNDAY EVERYONE... no talk of d***s today... I am just thinking Sunday lunch... and how I must wash my clothes they STINK of tobacco smoke like I'm the Ashman of London. Dreadful stuff. Righto what else was I going to say: hey do you like that hammy apparently hanging upside down from an oven shelf? (Looks like an oven shelf to me...) Take care everyone... have a nice weekend what remains...


  1. All I did was eat this weekend...We still have boxes of cookies, Jelly Beans, Cherry Pie, and pound cake sitting on the counter just waiting, nevermind the pastries that came in this work just munching and naps today!!

  2. Can't see your picture Gleds. Have a good weekend hon. x

  3. looks cute...

    u could have added urs as well:P....

    take care!

  4. Well, Gleds, I'm not around for a few days and your life goes haywire...chemical burns, blisters and threat of abscesses...not good at all.

    I just hope it comes right for you, but just watch that you don't get those blisters infected...could be very nasty, as I'm sure you realise.

    Hope all improves for you soon,'ve got plenty of support from Blogland, anyway.

    Take care...and here's a hug.

  5. Hey visits have been less frequent (everywhere, not just here)...working a lot more and have had a lot on the go. Love the cute.

  6. .... Oh I thought the hammy was simply taking a ride on the underground tube ... standing room only lol gorgeously adorable *!*

    Hope you are feeling a little better.

  7. Too cute Gleds, looks like its doing gymnastics...Hope sunday lunch was good....

  8. Gleds, Liza is great, but unfortunately has to live in the shadow of her mother, Judy Garland, (Wizard of Oz) who was in a special category of greatness. Here's a link to some YouTube clips of Liza in Cabaret - better yet go rent the dvd.

    Garland maybe didn't sing as technically well as Minelli, but she just had a great presence and made every song her own. See if you can find the Carnegie Hall two disk album. Here's another link

    These might take your mind off your abcesses for a while. Cheers.

  9. Tom: Excellent stuff!

    Akelamalu: Can't see my picture? what no pictures? what happened? just blank boxes with crosses in?...

    DSinner: ah maybe that IS me ~ haHAARGH!!

    That was him hanging over the breadcrumbs bowl... haHA!!

  10. Welshcakes: ta!

    Puss-in-Boots: dr's giving me strongest antibiotics just to stop it GETTING infected... heavy stuff (I spose..) ta for getting in touch again. hugs back ;->...

    cheers: I've not been around much either. But I hope your tooth's better by now! ;->...

    Bimbimbie: or maybe that was upside down with someone grabbed hold of the ankle... actually that's far far more complicated even~...~...

  11. Auds: that is hammy-gymnastics...

    Steve: ah, see! that was very perceptive of you:~ "Garland maybe didn't sing as technically well as Minelli, but she just had a great presence and made every song her own" ~ that is v well put. I do like ole Lyzer's voice...

  12. The picture of the Hammie is cute. Much cuter than your recent batch on boils and sores which though educational, can't compete with this photo.

  13. Hey Gleds, I've been sick for a couple weeks and haven't "made the rounds" lately.
    The cat videos are too funny. (and accurate, too)
    Hope you are well.
    ta ra!

  14. LoneGrey:... the pus can't compete?!? I should think so, too! (hey! v near typo: "I should think so, goo!" wouldn't THAT have been a cracker..!!)

    JimD: hey Jim don't worry I've barely done "the rounds" either I dunno I wasn't too shyte hot either and so really didn't do too much either... o man I gotta go I'm still a-SLEEP on my FEET today by the seemings! !! ;->...

    take it easy!!


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