Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bad Experience at the Bottle Shop

YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? Well swiftly and in a nutshell I got chucked out of a shop I've frequented (admitedly infrequently) for many years... for being so shaky WITHOUT a drink that I knocked a can I didn't want off the shelf x2 and was UNABLE TO REPLACE IT. How f****d up is THAT??

Yes I DID do those days I said "without" drink but not to put down any illeffects down to the lack of drink. Strangely shakes tends mysteriously to vanish now with even one drink.

I don't want to despair and time is a bit short. I'm emotionally wringed out today having lost it with a friend and ended up crying all over the place (not pretty). Dur! What else? Nothing!

PS: as for rehab - I AM considering it (increasingly)... just don't want to make my previous mistake of going in TWICE IN THE SAME YEAR way way WAY too early for admirable but "wrong" reasons...

Take care: have a charming weekend, I'll try!!


  1. i`m sure you`ll make it this time, i really do and i hope so...
    you are such a nice person, we haven`t met personally, i know that, but reading your stuff, and your comments on my blog, i feel that you`re a good person so as i say too all my friens, carpe diem, one day at a time, and the most important thing right now is knowing that you`re considering in a rehab and that`s good!! i wish very good luck my english friend!!!
    and stay strong...

  2. Oh honey please get help, it's time now it really is. x

  3. I hate people who make those sorts of moves on assumptions. I have a friend with MS and people think she's drunk because her speech is impaired . . .cruel and tormented. As for rehab, Gleds don't wait, it can never be too early!

  4. I hear the weather is great there! Go outside and cry/sweat it out with the sun on your face. You'll feel better for it on your weekend. I promise :)

  5. What kind of rehab would it be? Open facilities or closed? Are there actually facilities that keep you in?

  6. I believe in you Gleds, whatever decisions you make, decide to believe in yourself and your strengths above all else...........Here in spirit..willing you on xxx Auds

  7. get help while u think it needs help. cos there can come a time when u dun even think that way!

    *HUGZ* TC.


  8. Hi Gleds, glad to see you're still hangin' in there. Hopefully, I'll be around a bit more often now...we'll see.

    How are your little hammies? Still running around in circles and creating?

    You'll do rehab when you feel ready to do it. At least you haven't blown the idea of it away totally. No, it'll come to you, Gleds.

    Meanwhile, you've got your mates in the blogosphere to talk to.


  9. I hope all goes well.

    We're right behind you.

  10. Hi Gleds.. I have Faith in you, and know you are strong enough to seek help.. and hope you can get to Rehab soon... take care my friend... Jan

  11. Please keep trying. I realize it's hard but don't give up, please.


  12. There's never a perfect time. Just do it. Get your life back, Gled.

  13. I'm agreeing with Baino about people being quick to make assumptions a friend of mine was ridiculed as being drunk too early in the morning - he has cerebral palsy :(

    You know you have your own cheer squad on the other side of your screen but perhaps it's time to act on your considerations for rehab x *!*

  14. Hi Gleds ~~ Hang in there my friend,
    and get some help. We don't want you to be so depressed and unhappy. If you can get to rehab, please try to do so. So many of us care for you Gleds, try to have a good weekend.
    Take great care, Love, Merle.

  15. Crap, crap and more crap. I am upset that you don't have any support. I am upset that your family just aren't willing to help you. You need support so that you can make a plan with someone who will help you get to where you need to be. I don't think you're mental and an institution isn't the best place for you. Re-hab would be favourable, but would they listen to you and tailor your recovery to suit you?

    I don't know what the answer is. I just think that you should at least go to your doctor and describe to him/her what you're feeling and what is happening. It could be the alcohol in combination with the tablets, it might be alcohol withdrawal, there might be something they can give you for that.

    I'm really sorry to hear it's been so awful for you. I'm sorry most of all that people around you and your family aren't helping and supporting you.

  16. Thank you for coming by and checking in on my blog while I have been away from blogland. I am easing back into it again and trying to catch up with people.

    I have obviously missed what has been happening with you. From your past few postings and comments here, it sounds as if you have hit a few bumps on your path to recovery. I am echoing others I know, but it sounds as if the timing for rehab is now and that many people are cheering you on from a distance. Add my voice to theirs! Keep your courage!

  17. gleds....

    How awful for you...I'm sorry you're having a rough go of this. The shakes are part of the deal I think, but this may require some medical supervision to make sure it all goes o.k.

    I'm with Nicole...wish you had a bit more support over there. You have us in your corner, but it's just not the same as having someone there to help you through the rough spots.

    Hang in there my friend...we're behind you in this.

  18. I'm sure you already know all this gled, but "the shakes" are likely the dt's and can be quite dangerous, so make sure someone over there is monitoring things for you.

    Read this if you get a chance (not to scare you, just to convince you that it's part of the deal that needs attention):

  19. What they said ;)

  20. Dennis is POSITIVE You're a good person Gledwood! Don't give up on yourself, it takes strength to seek help and determination to stick with it, I believe you have in in you.

  21. I think any reason would be a good one to try rehab again. You just never know when it will really help and work out for you.
    Do keep trying!! One day at a time but also with a few future goals in mind.
    Little steps.
    I really hope you can find someone who can help get you thru all of this.
    Thinking of you.

  22. You seem to be doing better overall, and this is just one bad day. Happens to everybody, I know how bad it can make us feel but... keep up!

    You're smart, you know that.

  23. You just keep hanging in there honey you've had a tough time of it lately haven't you? You are in my thoughts. Only YOU can make the right decision for you regards to rehab.

  24. How are you? I know you can persevere. You are very talented, you can hang onto that during the bleak times.

  25. hey gled - i'm reading this a week later and hope you are okay, hanging on - getting help?

    thinking of you

  26. thanks everyone. sorry i can't reply individually


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