Saturday, August 30, 2008

$600 Million for 2 Paintings, Anyone?

These are the two Titian paintings the evidently cash-strapped Duke of Sutherland is asking the National Galleries of England and Scotland the "cut price" of a mere $200 million for the pair, a mere third of the expected commercial auction value...
Top: Diana and Actaeon...
Bottom: Diana and Callisto

By the way, I used to think the painter's name was pronounced "Titty-Ann". I was wrong. The BBC say "Tishn". So there!


These TV ads are really sad (what an excellent actor Wilfy is though!)

Park action:
Yesterday I saw a real live fight between a magpie and a squirrel!!!

OK I admit this is not it, but a more dramatic version (let it get going)...


This purloined from Lu's blog... real surreal... reminds me of that BBC kiddies' TV superstar of the claymation, Morph... anyone remember him?


What Gledwood Means

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.

You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.

Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.

You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.

You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

... and who'd have guessed all THAT? (Where on earth they summoned that crap from I've utterly no idea at all!!)

(Crap? Actually it's complete horse****.)


This came from a feature in the Sun newspaper "Afghan Mega-Spider Killed Our Dog". A desert camel spider. This has to be thee most pantspissworthy creature I have ever had the misfortune to set my eyes upon. The legs exceed human palm size, the body is far larger than my roborovski hamsters. After seeing the video below I spooked myself so badly with the thought of one running up my sleeve I actually had to stop in the park to publicly shake out my jacket. Yes! I got eebyjeebies that bad!!¬

This m*********r is ENORMOUS... yes that is a REAL SPIDER



  1. There is no way in this world I can watch that video. I'd need a straight jacket afterwards!

  2. What: the spider one? i nearly pissed myself, seriously ... you couldn't get the props dept of Alien II to make something more disgusting...

    ... and I stand by my declaration: that is FAR BIGGER than palm sized, no matter what the Sun guestimates...


  3. Aren't there some things true in this name game ? Sometimes I am surprised when I do one and it's near the truth.
    I have followed your blogging a bit during the holidays, I was away quite a lot and have read that it hadn't been so good for you lately.
    But as long as you keep your humor and this blog I am not too worried !
    It is a pity that we can't heal our souls like a broken leg !

  4. Hope you're feeling a bit better today. I wish you had a mailing address so I could send you things such as tea.

  5. Ok, that's one spider i don;t want to find in my basement or anywhere else but definitly not my basement.

  6. What the f--k, Jeeeebus GleDwood I'm in on my own tonight, cheers for that!!!

    I'll give them a tenner for the paintings, actual I like them...

  7. God I thought our spiders were big but nothing like that. Even our bird eating spider is about the size of a South American Tarantula! Interesting sound track for the squirrel fight! Aggressive little furballs aren't they? Glad you seem a little more chipper today Gleds . . .

  8. "pantspissworthy"

    I had to laugh so much when I read that word that I almost spat out my lunch :-)

  9. $600m for two paintings...oh, is that all, not after much is he?

    Pantspissworthy...well that's a different word...I quite like it but one wouldn't want to say it after a few tots of whatever.

    As for that thanks. The buggers are big enough here and they give me the heebies just thinking about them. There's no way I'm watching that video.

  10. I really despise big creepy spiders!!

  11. Well if it was in Forint maybe some crazy people would buy them.

  12. Ciao, Gleds. Tostart at the end, that spider scared me! As for the paintings, I'll take 6 of each, because , as my Dad would have said , "You might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb."

  13. Forgor: I think that name thing is oretty accurate about you! Lovefrom Sicily xx

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Gattina: I suspect that program reads each letter of the name, giving generalized compliments accordingly (how else? I entered Xaser as a name and STILL got a reading!!)... I know what you're referring to: "numerological" thingies... etc. Hmmm. Not at all sure about that after all they only ride on what HAPPENS to be the spelling through our 26 letters. What if we were Russian, Japanese, Egyptian, Cambodian, Ethiopian? Same name, totally different spellingscript!

    Nicole: address is a real problem but I v much appreciate the idea


    Walker: so long as it NEVER EVER LEFT my cellar I'd not be too offended. I'd just never in my lifetime ever want to set eyes on such a grotty disgusting thang..!

    Elizabeth I: yeah the paintings are OK, just a bit big. And to be honest a lot scrappier than I'd envisaged. Also what's with all the nude bodies: quite vulgar! I'm surprised some bowdlerizing Victorian didn't add-on painted figleaves!!!

    yeah I'm a bit better, ta. Squirrels are a bit like tubby Golden Hamsters: quite perkysome (unlike the shy retiring scuttlesome roborovski who dashes off at the 1st sign of anything remotely amiss...)

    Wasn't that magpie fight classic. Something told me squirrels and magpies must fight a lot and youtube certainly came up with loads of goods.

    What: you have BIRD EATING SPIDERS Down Under. No no no!!! They really WOULD make me piss my pants. Though they're endearingly furry at least. Unlike funnelwebs and the Dreaded Eastern Mouse Spider: now that really is disgusting (and the M more venomous than a funnelweb: once saw an Aussie docu about a family with a plague of 600 mouse spiders a DAY in their back garden... that's how many the pest destroyers fished out. 600 day/night one/ another 400 next time. 1000 spiders of bites DEADLY to a small child, rambling amongst the back lawn... and amll children rambling there too. And they rear up on the last 2 legs and wave the other 6 at you before "striking". Nasty things!!

  16. Vincent: pantspissworthy? that was no exaggeration whatsoever...!!!!!

    Pussinboots: paintings: "the British Mona Lisa"?... Not sure I'm that v much impressed. I prefer those late-Victorian pre-Raphaelite jobbies to the "real" renaissance works... as for the Mona Lisa, worth over £1 billion or $2 billion I glimpsed it through the 3 bulletproof smoked glass coffee table tops it's concealed under and wasn't so impressed by that either. (For one thing it's really tiny, barely bigger than a sheet of A4...)

    Tom: say that again. As I mentioned, props dept from Alien 2 couldn't have come up with anything more revolting


    Ropi: "Forint"~??

    Welshcakes: tha name: yep it was oddly well not that INaccurate. Quite strangely.

    I'd take loads of the paintings too, but like the old Duke, would have them hanging in the national galleries long b4 I ever risked putting that many £100,000,000s worth of art on my own walls!


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