Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wire Fox Park

AN ENTIRE TROTTERY of wire fox terriers just bounded past me in the park. I wanted to take one home. They DO remind me of Itchy when she's been bashed up and licked clean by the others. Everyone is having a go at me and I'm too tired. All I wanted to do was have a hit in a bush, which I just did. It was crap. Those wire foxes in fact were far more interesting. Now I'm off to beg 30p so I can make up the money for a pie so wish me luck!

Roborovski Spin-Dryer (12 revolutions!)

This poor little swine does TWELVE revolutions:


  1. I know you can't help it Gleds but it makes me sad to read that you spent money on a hit rather than a pie. :(

  2. I know you said that everyone is having a go at you, so I get why you're taking a hit, but you know you're only going to feel worse about everything once it wears off. I know that the temporary calm that it brings to your world feels like it's worth it, but in reality you know that's it's going to just make it worse. (I know I'm being a bit hypocritical). You should stick to the methadone and save your money for the pies and the hammies... = )

  3. There is a guy in Toronto who wheels around 20 small rodent looking dogs in a baby carriage down by the lakeshore. When he lets them out it is complete chaos. I think Raymi had pics of it on her flickr acct.

  4. I am sorry you are having such a bad day Gleds and I do wish there was some way to make your day better without the drugs. Maybe tomorrow the sun will shine a little brighter for you.

  5. I'm not a fan of small dogs...I like those big ones that, when you put your arms around them to hug, there is something there.

    Hmmm, pity about the hit.

  6. I do so hope you got your pie.
    There feels so much more i could say, but you'll have heard it all before.

    My dog was like a fox terrier but bigger, she was like a teddy bear to look at.

  7. Akelamalu: I know what you mean but hey ~ I did get pies as WELL as the hit. Also crappo Lidl had EXCEEDINGLY ANNOYINGLY sold OUT of the steak pie I wanted ... most probably bc some shyster punter had scooped up every single one of the 50 or so they'd put out that morning, if the number of useless chicken and bacon ones (that I would never touch in a million years) was anything to go by...

    Lucinda: I know I should but that's so far easier said than done

    Eileen: really? Rodentyswine doggies by Lake Ontario? wow~!! I shall have to have a look at her Flickr thang. Was that lately..??

  8. Kahshe: hopefully... thanks

    Pussinboots: I used to hate yappy tiny doggies. But I do like wire foxes, they look so funny with their giant bearded noses...

    Firebird: was she an Airedale? they look exactly the same as wire foxes, only are about twice the height and treble the weight...


  9. Lemme see if i can find a pic for you...i will email it.

  10. MQ: I know... aren't they quite the tubby entertainers!

    Eileen:... hey I see what you mean: ta very much indeed...(!!!)!!~~;->...!


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