Wednesday, November 05, 2008

All Together Now

IT'S ALL OVER BY THE SHOUTING as my friend Janice said. (She wanted Hillary too.) O what a shame but hey 4 more years and the economy will be even more ****'d (as will Britain's I make no claim to superiority here) THEN they might draught in Hillary to sort it out. Not that she'd be any good. I just think her best qualified to sort out America's insoluble problems... Hey it will be fun having a mixed race president though.

Akelamalu implied I was on shaky ground yesterday. Who was I insulting? I was only saying I like my adopted hometown more than the hometown I WOULD have adopted had I had a chance. It goes back to early childhood Saturday evenings as the homeward train pulled out of Kings Cross station I'd glance wistfully every time at the tennament blocks of the back of York Way (irony of ironies not realizing that was the centre of London's heroin trade!) and telling myself one day I would live in London and never have to bid the great metropolis goodbye...

Only 11 weeks till the Greatest Nation on earth kicks out its most pathetic president in history. 1 question: why oh why must it be so very long..??

The Farm ~ All Together Now

Binary Finary 1998
1998 was the Year of the Mitsubishi. O wow this gave me a big EEEEEEEE rush. Makes me want to wave my hands in the air etc etc


  1. *Sigh*

    Obama's election made interest rates go down, so I have more job security (for the rest of the week...)

    Does anyone have any earthly idea what this guy is going to do?

    I liked his healthcare plan better than McCain's (however they both sucked.)

    "The rich" make an easy target, but if you start over-taxing the rich you shut off the trickle down benefit their wealth has--like tipping bellmen and waiters or whatever. Or buying expensive stuff on Rodeo Drive and luxury cars like Jaguars and $H!T.

    So "raising taxes on just people who make over $200k" might SOUND good, but beware the Doctrine of Unintended Consequences.

    As a resident of Atlanta since 1992, I know how faulted this "Look at us! We elected a black guy!"-mentality can be:

    Good black guy= Mayor Andrew Young.

    Not-so-good-recently-paroled black guy= Mayor Bill Campbell.

    I am not saying Obama will necessarily be a disaster, but that job is too important for a "wild card"--which is pretty much what he is. He spent less than three years in the Senate.

    In the Illinois State Senate, his first elected position, he got everyone else kicked off the ballot for registration technicalities, and ran unopposed. (Hey I didn't believe it either look it up...)

    His "historic" vote on Iraq was the right vote for the wrong reasons--i.e., everyone else freaked out about Israel because of WMD from bad intelligence.

    What I am saying is, it is not like Obama hired the Pinkertons or Wackenhut or some private security firm and got his OWN intelligence and then voted. He subjectively perceived Israel was in danger, and then stated that he did not give a crap by voting against the war--then he got lucky because the intelligence happened to be faulted.

    Well, after January 20th, he's my commander-in-chief so all I can do is salute him and hope for the best, I guess.

    (I am so glad my Republican congressman got re-elected and it looks like Saxby Chambliss the senator got reelected. I am not a die hard Republican but there needs to be a check-and-balance.)

  2. Wow this is a bit of a departure from Chinese Curry and Roborovskis! Ah inexperience doesn't matter THAT much he'll learn! Can't be worse than the last guy!

  3. Thanks for these two hilarious posts (at least for me) I was so happy to read something what made me laugh with my morning coffee ! And honnestly I agree to what you wrote !
    From the both candidates Obama was the best ! that's quite easy to say because there was no choice !
    I prefer London by far ! New York is nice for a visit but not for living. When my son was living in London for 10 years I came over so often !!

  4. Interesting British metaphor--everyone is saying that the Republicans will rebound in 2010 (at least in Congress) because the Democrats have no one to blame if they don't deliver on all the stuff they promised.

    I.e., the Dems have Presidency, House, and Senate (and probably two Supreme Court picks.)

    Citizens have this obnoxious habit of ACTUALLY REMEMBERING ALL THE CRAZY $H!T YOU PROMISED to get their vote. Everything that doesn't come through can't be sloughed onto, "But the president wouldn't let us do it," or, "But the Senate dragged its feet..."

    But it is my understanding that when Tony Blair kicked the Tories asses circa 1997, they just started squabbling amonst themselves and they have never recovered. (At least that is my understanding in broad strokes.)

    Maybe that is a bad metaphor because Great Britain does not have as strict of a two party system as the USA.

  5. Well I just hope he's got a better clue than the PM we ended up with when we decided to have a Cccchange ... it's not all about how you deliver a speech, your own or the ones drafted by underlings.

  6. Ha. Funny how you seem to think that Hillary will be the ultimate Salvation for the US of A.

    I think the ecomonic issues go much deeper than any president can cure, no matter race or gender.

    Also. It's annoying that now that Obama is "in" the biggest news item over here is what kind of dog he will put in the White House with him. (in his words, he's going to pick a "mutt like me.") and what it will be named.

    Another news item is that now that he's in the comedians are going to have a rough go because whatever they come up with will be labeled "racist" and he really isn't all that funny in the first place.



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