Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Broken Spectacles Anna Karenina Rehab Dream

ONE OF THE WEIRDEST DREAMS OF MY LIFE the night before last. I would have posted last night if only the internet caff didn't shut by 10:30. I dreamt vividly that I was in a drug rehabilitation centre which was half oligarchal luxury yacht, half swanky St Petersberg townhouse. I was surrounded by aristocratic druggies with the same sloaney voices I associated with drugs from my university days, only these guys had titles like "Count" and "Princess" as in the novel. No bonnets and meringue dresses on the ladies unfortunately: this was modern hi-soc.

So I woke from that feeling bemused. Perhaps nighttime TV had inspired me with a Learning Zone feature on fairytales. This children's writer said Cinderella was the all-time classic as far as she was concerned, but I thought no no it's Hansel and Gretel. Lost children, wicked witch, gingerbread house. What do you think that house symbolizes to me..?

Je n'ai plus des lunettes!
Meine Brille sind kaput!

I'm totally sans specs. My glasses are no more! I'm feeling my way through a blur like Daphne or Velma in Scooby Doo... Totally lost in the haze, man. (What does that stand for?)

Yes my old percentage-sign glasses that were too done in for anything other than TV have finally fallen apart. I'm surviving on someone else's luxury bendy frames I found on the streets over a year ago. The prescription's barely half as strong as I actually need and so the world's still half a blur. But we've come down from JMW Turner watercolours to Claude Monet's Poplars on the Epte. Walking around in a 24-7 impressionist painting of London is pretty cool anyhow...

I do apologize I have not posted, neither have I been in touch with anyone since I've been so depressed I've felt like I was stabbed through the brains by a psychiatric knife. I need to go doctors' for some pills, I think... (But of course I've been far too down to be bothered...)

BTW I know I've barely mentioned them but my hammies, all 4, are alive and well ~ but there's another point of contention: I have a really nasty feeling that Spherical, who's adopted Bashful's bizarrely exaggerated pantomime peering into space has gone blind as well. What am I going to do? The vets won't be able to help even if they could diagnose. So I suppose I'll have to do nothing...


Angela Lansbury: Tale as Old as Time (Beauty and the Beast)

Do you know I'd never heard this till a couple of days ago? Now it's running round and round in my head. Brings out the inner child in me:


  1. Hey You! Broken glasses oh no! I am blind as a bat so I know what it is like to walk about in a complete blur. I panic when I don't have my eyewear. Will the gov pay for them?

  2. Nice to know you're still there Gleds. Sorry to hear you're still depressed and your glasses are not up to scratch. Hope things improve all round soon. x

  3. AUNT R: I am supposed to get free pairs but have to fill in forms and wait over a month... this is the thanks they give me for HAVING WORKED IN THE PAST. It means you get a pittance more that they take away with the other hand by making you pay for things they give out free automatically to PEOPLE WHO'S NEVER DONE A DAY'S WORK IN THEIR LIVES!!

    AKELAMALU: The glasses ARE good enough to read a computer screen and that's good enough for me. I'm going to try that better sight without glasses thing...

  4. Can't you get new ones on he NHS? I thought they were cheap or even free? I'm lost without mine and I hate my new ones, they leave marks on either side of my nose. Sorry you've been down Gleds, you were so chirpy last week. Maybe the dream is a sign? Rehab calling?

  5. Maybe the dream IS a sign I'm getting more and more sick of living half life... threatening to get myself trouble for never paying bills etc I want NORMALITY!

    Glasses are cheap not free anymore. I really have to send this form off (well, GET the form 1st)... then I get a free eye test and will either go for new lenses in these frames that I like or get contacts.

    I'm really up for learning "better sight without glasses" I know someone whose prescription went down by "three dioptres" (or something like that, whatever that means...)

  6. Hello Gleds - get those forms in and get some more specs otherwise you'll end up with a squinty face and horrid headaches. Animals do have a knack of adapting to losing their sight, even better when they have food and shelter provided for them*!*

  7. ... you are right... I just looked up the bates method and read a really cynnical wikipedia report on it so I don't know what to think now.

    but hey my friend did it and she's not impressionable... also she had blacked out specs covered in pinholes that focus the light just as a pinhole camera focuses and supposedly adapt your eyes to the correct focal length as glases never will...(??)

  8. Like Donald Pleasance in The Great Escape, "I can see up close. I can see to work. But, you're just a blur."

    I would be lost without my glasses. And new ones are not covered by my insurance so they just keep getting re-taped! Yep, it's the 'super nerd' look over here...

  9. u dun need specs to SEE...a good heart will do ;-)

    HUGS n ty so much for ur kind words in my blog. I will see u again when I return. TC n bye byez for now!


  10. Hi dee ho Gleds, sorry to hear about your glasses. I hope you get that form sent off soon. 3B is right, get them before your headaches start. You don't need more shit, you got plenty of that already. Don't make life even harder for your self mate.

    Greetings from warming up Adelaide!

  11. MEGAN ooer insurance, I never had that, except years ago I was covered on my Mum's (just when I needed nothing doing). If I had the chance now I'd get my eyes lasered

    KESHI good luck ;->...

    VINCENT I know I know I ought to go up the DSS this very afternoon...

    ... I did fill in the form b4 but LOST IT ... how typical!!


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