Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Crazy in LA

I SAW AN AMAZING TV PROGRAMME ABOUT AMERICA LAST NIGHT. Louis Theroux (son of travel writer Paul) was trawling the LA market for the most lurid life-improvements he could find. And boy did he find them!

Image, the body beautiful. Plastic surgery. "If I see it" (if I see something askance with my body) "that's enough" (then I get it "fixed"). Said the receptionist at one top clinic (who got free "procedures" as a perk of the job).

Talking of "perky", her breasts had been "enhanced" to the point they appeared ready to break free and float just like helium balloons to the ceiling...

The worst character of all was the botoxic image consultant life coach who, for $2000 a day will tell you what changes she sees fit for you to make. The changes might be surgical or practical but every one is for your "happiness".

"Butt", breasts, eyebrows... All can be nipped and tucked to oblivion. This poor lost sheep of a woman with $2000 a day to spare was being shipped from pillar to plastic surgical post by her surgically enhanced mekon of a "guide". She must have spent $10,000 on that set of procedures alone.

I cringed the very most when Lost Sheep came to the subject of her boyfriend of 8 years. Life Coach was studiedly quiet as soon as he was mentioned and I knew what was coming. Lost Sheep Girl had "empowered" herself by dumping him. Life Coach gave her a big hug and dabbed at tears that weren't there. When men can't see the inner wonderfulness that is you "we have a four letter word, don't we? Next! Next!"

I wanted to throw a brick at the TV.

What I found most depressing of all was the knowledge that underneath these glossy smiley LA people were the same twisted knots of hatred, frustration and anxiety that curl within us all.

When will they invent plastic surgery on the brain, I wonder? So bad feelings can be isolated then permanently cut out.

Surely when it happens it will come first to LA!

PS Illustrated Jocelyn "Bride of" Wildenstein... rich surgery-obsessed American divorcee who exceeded even Michael Jackson's "perfectionist" extremes...

Click here to watch the show.

STOP PRESS: HERE'S SOME AMAZING CLOSE-UPS of an Australian mouse from near Brisbane...

This is a masterpiece

He has that rare type of voice... "primal"...


  1. Yuck!

    But I do love Seal . . .

  2. That is a very scary picture you have there...

    I wonder if these people need life coaches because they lack that more ordinary concept- friends.

  3. Tut~Tut: mmmm

    Crushed: UR damn right

  4. I would imagine that the pressure to remain "youthful" in places such as Los Angeles is huge. Everywhere you turn there are "beautiful" people. So sad. I could never imagine hacking my face apart because of insecurity. Shame on people like this "life coach" for propagating these ideals of beauty, it’s a myth folks. I once watched a show on the same thing, except it concentrated on Miami, which on a large scale is an equally vain place. Been there, wouldn't go back. It focused on people who were so desperate to "fix" themselves that they would go to these back alley chop shops and have surgeries performed. As you can imagine some of the outcomes were quite disturbing. One of the women had liposuction done on her stomach; the person who performed the surgery didn't stitch it properly so by the time she got home she was oozing her guts. You can thank me for the graphic details later ;)

  5. I would like to think that this superfluous obsession with looks is confined to the Los Angeles area--but when was the last time the USA elected a bald president?

    (Answer: Eisenhower.)

    Test after test shows that we attribute various qualities (like kindness and intelligence) upon people based on their appearance.

    It probably relates back to some Darwinian natural selection thing.

    In the case of large breasts, it DEFINITELY relates back to some Darwinian thing--surgically enhanced breasts have no practical function--i.e., contrary to popular belief, they don't even float. (I saw it on "Manswers.")

    If you have some horrid injury or dental problem that can be fixed and you can afford to fix it, I guess why not go for it? We have to remember that surgery is painful, dangerous, and traumatic, though.

    Footnote: For where this mentality really inverts itself, we had a school superintendent in Georgia who embezzled money and used at least part of it for plastic surgery.

    Is it worth prison, a lifetime of not being able to vote, a lifetime of not being able to get certain jobs, your pension, etc.??

  6. The funny thing about these docos about plastic surgery (to me) are the surgeons, mostly male - many don't appear to want to go through this sort of cosmetic surgery themselves.

    And to answer your question - yes all photos from my place. Did you see the mouse that visited ... Nov 25th post

  7. ZenWizz: people have done ALL SORTS OF THINGS in the name of beauty!

    Bimbimbie: no I missed the mouse... will have to have a look..

    yeah you're right about those drs. one particular surgeon featured last night was pretty smarmy. Insisted on taking near-naked pixx of all female patients. And of course had not been touched by the surgeon's hammer...//sorry knife himself.

    The most ridiculous were the male patients who had supposed pectoral implants that looked more like women's breasts than some women's actual breasts... hmmmmm

  8. A paper bag with two eye holes is cheaper than plastic surgery. The paper bag has other uses as well and can be recycled. Plus a hat is a great fix for baldness. I wonder if "Life Coach" has figured that out yet?

  9. That was a funny post. I hate everything fake. Cosmetic surgery only needs to be done if there's a medical reason. I don't want to forbid it as I think people are free to do with themselves what they want, but I do appreciate 'real' better than fake.

    Anyhow, g'day now :-)

  10. I'll be honest, if I was a gazillionaie, I might go for a bit of a nip and tuck. Not the facelift but a bit of body sculpting and complexion enhancing. There's not much worse than watching your body go south when you feel 25 inside . . .then again . ..Seal has nasty scarring that I first thought was traditional stuff but he actually has pock marked skin and he's still HOT! (hope for the fat biatch yet)

  11. Vince: but WHY? WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYBODY WANT TO LOOK LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON? The guy literally has a HOLE in the SIDE of his nose (a 3rd nostril)... I mean..(!!)

    Baino: I might have a chemical peel myself. + eye-bag-ectomy as I look like I've done 3 rounds with tyson (mega dark circles...)


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