Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rainy Days and Thursdays*

I FEEL LIKE THE WORDS OF THAT CARPENTERS TUNE: "nothing ever seems to fit... hanging around... nothing to do but frown"... The only divergence comes with rainy days. I find them quite inspiring sometimes.... But hey not today. Anyway it's not raining it's of intermediate Decemberish temperature, overcast and grey and a horrible day. I just realized I've spent the last several days on end procrastinating things I know I ought to do. But do not wish to get round to.

The only good point today came with a masterful rattatouille I knocked up. Secret ingredients: Chinese plum and sweet chili sauces. Use one part industrial Dolmio to three parts canned chopped tomatoes. Stir Parmesan in at last stage of cooking. Season with black pepper. It comes out amazing if I say so myself. Has a real oomph to it.

Anyway that's about it. I've gotta go...


Love this one. I love black voices like hers and Seal's. They evoke a kind of primal emotion white people just can't seem to muster... (dunno why.)

PS YOU CAN WATCH "LOUIS THEROUX: UNDER THE KNIFE" as featured in yesterday's post by clicking on the words in pink. Not sure BBC i-player works outside the UK but you can give it a try....

PPS WHY AM I ALWAYS LAST TO FIND OUT?... You can watch practically anything online on the TV networks' catchup services... e.g. for Desperate Housewives on Channel 4 click here.

*You know the 1st version of this post said "Tuesdays" not "Thursdays". Dur!

This is a classic...


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