Sunday, January 11, 2009

Candy Craving

I HAVE THE MOST MASSIVE CRAVING FOR SWEETS AND CHOCOLATE TODAY... more to the point chocolate... dark chocolate. Ritter dark chocolate which is German and used to be called Halbbitter because it was 50% cocoa solids. Now it's 71% and even funkier. Nothing around (apart from the very posh stuff) gives a lovely bitter chocolate kick like this. So bad did this fixation become this afternoon I very nearly found myself shoplifting a block, which is so much not me. My own shoplifting career was short with a bitter ending (not nice-bitter like high-cocoa chocolate)... Even though most of my friends think I'm stupid not to lift easy basic things like pens, envelopes, etc, it's my particular scruple not to. Hard to explain why, but I'd rather pay my way. Anyway back to chocolate: first thing tomorrow morning and Ritter and I shall be as one (how sad). But hey at least I'm not writing about heroin! Probably this is what psychologists call a displacement activity. But hey ~ surely it's better to be "displaced", get chocolate-dirty and tubby yet remain heroin-clean (if that is possible...)


  1. Much better. Chocolate - esp the high cocoa stuff has chemicals that fill our pleasure receptors or something like that. Like a high...or orgasm. I'm not too scientific as you can tell.

  2. Ritter Sport is one of my favourite chocolates!

  3. well done for not shop lifting... tomorrow the chocolate will taste even better as you paid for it... :-)

  4. I'm not too scientific either...but I think there's something in chocolate that causes an increased in the dopamine in your brain. It also has something in it that increases feelings of well being. The darker the chocolate the better.

    Good call on not stealing the chocolate...who would take care of your little robo's?

  5. chocolate-dirty sounds good
    heroin-clean sounds even better

    i hope 2009 will be a better and better year for you gled

    (i was given some Bendick's bittermints for xmas. mmmmmmmmm)

  6. I eat a lot of kinder eggs. For the toys, yes. I actually carry them round me, they reduce my nervous tension.

    Kind of a displacement activity.

  7. Yes my dear much better to be craving the chocolate than effin drugs, I'm glad to hear it!

  8. Chocolate, heroin, video games, sex, exercise, anything you really love to do - it all does the some thing to our heads. People get addicted to all sorts of stuff that makes them feel better. I had a running coach in high school who screwed up his leg and wouldn't stop running, he was all limping along because he needed the high. Crazy? He could have just as easily been a drug addict. The thing is, very few of the aforementioned activities produces quite as many endorphins as heroin, dopamine being paramount among them. Sweets can be awesome replacement for drugs sometimes, just don't overdo it. When I got off dope onto methadone I suddenly had overwhelming cravings for stuff I'd never wanted before - and seriously I gained like 65lbs. I'm losing it now that I'm almost off the methadone and can't eat a frickin thing. But for me right now I'm not sure you can really say that a life of being fat, miserable, and clean is better than being a thin, happy, junkie. As long as you take care of yourself and use clean stuff there is no reason you can't be a very healthy addict as long as you can maintain a good quality of life while using. Sorry to be so long-winded, that's just me.
    Also, I never stole anything while using, but once I got "clean" (depending your opinion on methadone), I started stealing stuff. It started I guess because I literally had no money but I also liked the high it gave me, so good for you, stay away from the stealing, it's totally addictive.

  9. Check your email, Dude ;-)

  10. I looooove dark's the only kind I eat. It's supposed to be less fattening that milk chocolate and actually quite good for's that? Guilt free chocolate.

    I'm glad you didn't nick it, Gleds. It'll taste so much better and some poor store owner won't be cursing you up hill and down dale for lowering his profit margin, lol.

  11. Mmmm.... dark chocolate!

    We went to din at a friends house and we were in charge of bringing dessert. I made brownies with some powdered sugar sifted on top. Yummy.

  12. Thanks for not stealing. For every stolen item the shop has to sell 10 or 20 or 50 to make up for the loss. I learned this on one of my jobs while working in a DIY store :-)

    Ritter chocolate is without doubt one of the best. I love the one with marzipan in it.

    Excellent how you moved the Gabbly thing to the top by the way. Scrolling down was becoming quite a hassle.

  13. Jeannie: you're "darn" right there!

    Nicole: ;->... Ritter rules I far prefer it to Cadbury's. Lots of Brits won't eat anything other than Cadbury's Dairy Milk...

    Sally: that's true and it did!

    MDA: I heard dopamine plays a role in EVERY drug addiction, including cigarettes and alcohol and probably caffeine... it's the one we feel when "stimulated" (so uppers always go there), ecstasy/MDMA/etc primarily stimulate serotonin which is why it feels different and is less addictive than coke/speed. it also hits the dopamine button at higher doses, so I've heard. the active ingredient in chocolate they say is called phenylethylamine (PEA) which the expert on the subject, Alexander Shulgin says in his book Pihkal is not orally active. Though there's a chance that something ELSE in chocolate has a copilots effect and alters this... people really do seem to go for chocolate, especially women. Interestingly women seem to be able to take far more cocaine than men (a kind of urban not myth but wisdom, if you will...), whereas there seem to be at least TWICE as many male heroin addicts as women. I'd be fascinated to find out the whys and wherefores of all these things...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Lettuce: cheers and to you hope you have a fine 2009 also... Bendixx: yum. Someone gave me a box of Thorntons darks (that is dark strawberry creams, dark hazelnut whirls etc etc)... very nice... ;->...

    Crushed: I'm sure 99% of some people's LIVES is dislacement activity!!

    Queenee: Aye! You're not wrong!!

    Nellie: yup: kleptomania... I reckon heroin/drugs pull the lever behind a lot of other things we do... so when you leave drugs behind you'll start seeking out those "things"... ..?

  16. dur that was me getting impatient pressing return twice

  17. Freddie: OK man!

    Puss-in-Boots: yes you're right about not nicking it... dark is less fattening per milk bc you get less hit per amount of fat and sugar... surely. All TRUE chocoholics, so they say, go for DARK over milk and I'm with them cocoa-addicts!

    Crystalchick: I once made an ultra strong chocolate cake... it was a friend of mine who pointed out that so many "chocolate" cakes/etc are merely brown and sugary whereas mine was bitter and proper cocoa-flavoured... I also did a lemon one with juice and zest: that was lovely. Next time I'll do chocolate-tangerine-lemon-lime with and overdose of everything~~ yumMEEEEEEE :->...

    Vincent: you know lots of my local shops actually BUY stuff they know is shoplifted... buy it wholesale from druggies ... e.g. branded headache pills... posh dark chocolate was another: Green & Blacks brand. Honestly I would not have believed that went on until the tealeaf herself told me!! Also I wondered why suddenly this posh chocolate was appearing all up the high road and not in the proper display box... same with headache pills and now I know. When I expressed mild surprise she stared back at me like: don't you know the score ...? Well not about THAT no I did not!! That absolutely amazed me, did that...

  18. Oh I'm definitely a chocoholic and Ritter dark chocolate with Hazelnuts would be my choice every time.

    I hope you enjoyed some dark Ritter today.

    How are you doing Gleds, long time no see. I have been having a poke around, seeing what you have been up to.

    One day you'll be clean, I'm sure of it. You are too smart not to eventually make it.

  19. Unfortunately I'm not sure "intelligent" quite cuts it against hard drugs... but I appreciate the thought

    Ritter Dark with hazelnute, yeah you're right and they sell that one down the road

  20. Lindt make a decent 70% to 90% dark chocolate too!

  21. I just noticed my initials are MDA...hmmm I should have thought about that...

  22. Baino: too posh for me!... and how typical I patronizingly explain just what Ritter is not realizing the entire world seems to eat it!!!

    MDA: o yeah!!


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