Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hamster Television


WHEN I'M A WHIZZY SUCCESSFUL TV EXEC I'm going to sell my "pet" idea to Mongolian state television
~ "Roborovski Watch" show... they can put out cameras in the back gardens of their yurts to capture midnight films of Itchy, Bashful and Spherical's distant ancestors scurrying across the dunes...

Then I shall go into book publishing and get millions of copies of my whizzy new tome slapped out: The Hamster Songbook. All the little robos can sit round a campfire (a robo-sized campfire would be the flame from a single teelight!!) and sing songs like "Mongolia"

"And did those paws in ancient time..."

or "Silent Wheel" (a chrismassy one this)

"Silent wheel, tiny wheel,
Spin so fast, do not squeal
All the Trotters will run very fast
But the butter on you will not last
And you'll soon get jammed up!
And you shall soon be jammed up..."

And that's all folks ~ before we really do get Loony Tunes...

PS: See how enormous normal (Syrian) hamsters are compared to the tiny trotting robos...


  1. You're crazy but don't worry so am I and only in a good way. I love the pic of all the hamsters cuddled up, it makes it easier for one to grab them by the handful!

  2. You should seriously send the hammy songbook idea to a publisher, Gleds!

  3. Thank you for leaving me such sweet comments!! I don't even know you, yet your feedback keeps me positive. Thanks! As for your blog...I'm a little confised.

  4. I like the top photo! Like to see some Hamster TV reality shows.

  5. Don't worry nobody really understands...

    I would love to see a wild hamster wildlife watch...

    I don't know if you get these abroad but here we put stop-time cameras on bird tables... inside badger sets etc and get some amazing footage back you'd never see just by staring out at your back garden...

    L: don't worry I'm confused too

  6. You make me laugh so hard....I think I'm falling in love with those little robo's!


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