Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bashful, Itchy and Spherical Online!

O WOW! I can't believe I managed to do this (with loads of help, hmmm...) For the first time ever you get to see my very own roborovskis in their scruffiest not very photogenic (Sun newspaper nibblings) nest...

(NB: the photograph is just a generic image for illustration; the film stars my own three furries!)

Video 2:
This shows quite nicely just how frustrating these furry swines can be to (try and) handle when you first get them. Watch this and watch mine and see how remarkably laid back (indeed half asleep with a camera in the face) Bashful-Itchy-TrottersterSpherical have gone. Also what you didn't see was Spherical's snaggle-nose nibbling determinedly on the side of the phone whenever she was out of shot...


  1. Aww, look at their little faces! Bless 'em.

    Well done, you!

  2. what you didn't see was how they grabbed hold and started nibbling the sides of the camera while I was stil filming...

  3. ps what does everyone think of the music: nice or horrible?

  4. Man, I can't see this at work :( S'pose that means I have to actually DO WORK. I'll check it out at home...

  5. Something happened the first time I checked this morning - watched most of your video and everything shut down. There was no music then?
    I can hear it now. Had my volume way loud and got a little stunned.

    Your robos are very sweet. The camera seemed close (and they seemed interested in it) so I didn't get an idea of how tiny they are. It's so cool that you can show us now and not just tell us.

  6. EILEEN/REENY: But how come you can look at blogs but not videos? Did they blockade youtube? That wouldn't surprise me..??!!

    JEANNIE: you're right in hinting they might be better focused if the camera were pulled back. I thought it was more "value" in close-up with them sniffing the phone like that. they found it awfully interesting...

  7. are they still starstruck?
    Maybe you could do Warhol type screen tests of them or '24 hour Robos'.

    They're lovely. I like the scruffy one that looked a bit more camera shy than its 2 pals.

  8. o yeah that would be Itchy. she's the tamest by far. see how laid back she is!!!

  9. i thought so, just scrolled and saw her pic (right hand side), so sorry, she's not scruffy.. just noticed they are natural black markings on her head that the other 2 don't have.

    warmed to her immediately... takes one to know one.

    r they all girls?

  10. O yeah. Otherwise I'd not have 3 but 300 by now ;->...
    in the beginning I thought Itchy was a boy bc she kept trying to climb on Spherical, who looked pregnant in comparison...
    Itchy did not enjoy walking about on a CD case being "sexed" ~haha
    I see what you mean about scruffy her coat looks dead greasy on film
    all their fur is 3-coloured ie if you blow on it you see the bottom is black, then it goes wheat coloured, the fur-tips are frost-coloured
    I will try and film again in more flattering light. Also I know they need tidying out. They just hate new bedding it doesn't smell of them and they run frantically on the wheel to try & get away from it..!

  11. You see animal trainer is a very hard job ! Training hamsters is even worse than elephants or tigers I tell you !! with my cats I gave it up long time ago, lol !

  12. I only really tamed Itchy, and even she has been known to go "oh fck this!" and bunnyhop on the floor where it takes DAYS to get her back...

    ... Bashful will walk resentfully on my hands but hops off at the v first juncture.

    Spherical will sniff away as you see, but absolutely loathes being handled!

  13. maybe they're lesbians, Spherical would be the big butch one I suppose.

    don't worry, my cat is gay. except he plays football (pawball); goalie and striker.

    about their new bedding, do they shed any fur? if so, maybe you could gather the clumps and mix them with the bedding. also if it's warm (near a radiator) i think the smells will permeate faster.

  14. They are cute little things.

  15. I quite like the music actually...

    The hamsters are cute :)

  16. They are tiny, gorgeous. I like the pose Itchy has adopted very blase - camera can move around me thanks. *!*

  17. KELLY: their fur is so slight once shed you don't see it, they never "moult" cat-wise

    you're supposed to save some of the old bedding and mix in but that never worked with mine. It's the newness that does their heads in ~ sometimes they run round for literally hours

    I think I will compromise by clearing out most of the old bedding and leaving their loo unwashed, which is a tube. That might do something...

    SYD: aye!

    CRUSHED: I luurve that tune it's originally by Sting...

    hey what happened at yours: something to do with an oversensitive eejut and the dreaded N word..?

    BIMBIMBIE: ooo you flatterer ;->...

  18. hey gledwood have u heard the new pet shop boys video/song, its FANTASTIC

  19. I love the video, the hammies are adorable!

    The song was very bizarre, haha, but that's just not cup of tea in general, so its probably just me. I just thought it was really bizarre in conjunction with the hamsters... But, my brain ain't functioning right at the moment.

  20. Wow! I am glad I came over. You are clever, Gleds. And the hammies are so sweet! More, please!

  21. Couldn't see the vid. My puter isn't playing nice with youtube. Too old I guess.

  22. Ooooooh, so glad I finally get to "meet" your hammies. They're SO cute and, yes, pretty laid back alright.

    I didn't hear any music though.

    I was wishing you spoke in the video...a little commentary to go along with the picture? :)

    Have missed you...I've been busy.

  23. fighting the urge to speak in baby lingo here. Very cute little possums . .well hammies . .actually I opened the shed to feed the horses tonight and a possum jumped off the hay bale. . .reminded me of a rather large hammy as it 'pinged' off into the bush! No music on my end either.

  24. KATARINA: ok I'm Youtubing as we speak....

    LUCINDA: you don't have to apologize for not liking Sugababes. They're industrially concocted pop but this is by far their greatest tune. Though of course by no means their most popular amongst all the crap they've put out!!

    WELSHCAKES: I would love to put more up, but what on earth the procedure was to get that video up there I could not tell you. It involved quite inconveniently loading stuff INTO the computer, lots and LOTS of right-clicking, doubleclicking etc etc I'm going to have to learn properly how to do it and write it all down...!

  25. MOLSON: you need something called "Real Player" I think, to view youtubes. The other thing is called Microsoft's own player but I could not tell for £1million what it's called....

    DEBS: you might count yourself lucky you couldn't hear my taste in harp-plucking pop...

    Debs: I hope you are all right.

    BAINO: o wow I wish I'd seen that possum. Are they those things that look like furry teddybears that sit there still and extra-furry-cute? I think I've seen one on an Australian soap opera, just sitting on the kitchen side looking rpetty...

  26. Wow, that's really cool. It's nice to see your robo's for real. They are very cute :-)

  27. BRILLIANT! I was so excited to see the little critters! You'll have to upload yourself one of these days too and some of your cooking creations as well!

  28. Vincent: I'm glad you like 'em. The swines were trying to EAT the camera as well

    Nicole: I was going to try and do cookery demos as well. But haven't a stand. Well I could make one out of a shoebox as well...


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