Saturday, February 14, 2009


Turtles are some of my favourite marine, critters. Their graceful "flight" through water, flippers on full-blast...

Camera-pecking, winking giant sea-turtle:

Cat vs TERRAPIN not tortoise, not turtle, dur!

But does the "inevitable" happen... Watch and see:

And for all yous who want a longer one, see how tiny this "giant" sea-turtle seems dwarfed by the humungous eagle ray...

*today being the day for my "Furry Fridays on Saturdays" "meme"...


  1. As mean as this sounds, your post reminds me of this fantastic turtle soup I once had. Only, I didn't know it was turtle, until after I had eaten it. I was so offended that someone actually captured one of nature's slowest and majestic creatures and killed it for food. And yet, it was one of the best soups I ever had. Quite the conflict...

  2. I was watching a tv show last night about the Australian bush. Malcolm Douglas is an old bushie from way back who can survive eating bush tucker and knows the ways of the animals.

    Last night he was in the Northern Territory, in Arnheim Land, a huge tract of Aborginal land that white people, by law (both Australian and Aboriginal), cannot go onto unless specifically invited. Malcolm is an honorary family member of one lot of the people up there.

    Last night, they went on a turtle hunt and as Malcolm says, he doesn't like people killing turtles but it's not for him to push his values onto others, especially as, in this case, it's part of their diet. I wasn't actually watching at this stage (being of the wussy type) but apparently they speared a large turtle, enough to feed 30 people.

    Just thought I'd tell you...

  3. When I was a kid we had a cottage on a lake with many turtles in it. My older brother was obsessed with catching them. We had an old leaky canoe we'd fill with water and rocks for them. And we'd catch flies for them to eat. I think he'd caught up to 27 at a time and then would let them go just to start catching them again. Unfortunately, the cottagers began creating lawns and the fertilizer and power boats destroyed the water and the turtles became fewer and fewer.

  4. These critters are really interesting up close. We've had a turtle project at the lab where I work for years. The leatherbacks are really neat.

  5. I don't believe I would like turtle you suppose it tastes like chicken? nice photo of the turtle.

  6. I love sea turtles - I got to pet a small one when I was on a snorkeling trip a few years ago.

  7. everything that you might as well not eat "tastes like chicken"~ that is undoubtedly true...

    are turtles that easy to catch then? I'd have thought them pretty agile under the water...

    erm: and that's about it I hope y'all had a cheery weekend


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