Friday, April 10, 2009

Beef Entertainment Piri Piri Madness Casserole!

I'VE BEEN MANIC SHOPPING up town and got all the ingredients for diced beef in spices piri piri all-entertaining casserole with seasonable vegetables complete with Gledwood's Own Dumplings (TM). Excellent stuff! Must fly before the ingredients go off...


  1. Gled, it looks great. Care to share the recipe?

  2. Nice to hear you're cooking up a storm and looking after yourself. x

  3. Very healthy fare indeed Gleds. Hope you are well and the little furry friends as well. Take care and Happy Easter to you.

  4. Sounds good mate. You cook quite well I think.

  5. Sounds yummy!
    Happy Easter Gleds :)


  6. I'm making a chicken casserole in the slow that's nice. But yours sounds yummy, too. Be careful with the piri-piri...

  7. Hi, Gleds. That sounds good. Oh, and Waterloo Bridge is one of my favourite films, only I cry buckets all through it. Happy Easter, dear Gleds. x and woof! x from Simi.

  8. Syd: Recipe's up today, Sunday... enjoy

    Akelamalu: aye, for once!!

    JMB: apart from poor DEAD Itchy, all's fine in furrydom...

    Vincent: better than industrially pre-anticipated meals from Iceland and the like, I can tell you...

  9. Tea n Margaritas: cheers!! Don't eat too many chocolate eggs~ haha!

    PussInBoots: I'm being careful...

    Welshcakes: you know Waterloo Bridge? I thought I was the only one who remembered it. I watched it once about 20 years ago. It was a random BBc2 black and white matinee film and I got so engrossed I promised myself never to forget what it was called. Hence its appearance here


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