Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Non Post

OK this is a non-post because there's nothing to say.


  1. A post like this makes it blatantly obvious that you prolly have a tonne to say. Hope you're a'ight tho....

  2. But your checkin in and that's good.

  3. Well that's short and to the point. At least you're honest.

  4. Not having anything to say doesn't stop me posting!

    Hope your house-cleaning frenzy and positive attitude are still with you. Hang on there, gleds.

  5. Liz: ditto there I usually got nothing to say and post anyway. How come yours are so much more interesting than mine though???

    Pussinboots: aye!

    Jeannie: aye!!

    Eileen/Reeny: that's v perceptive @~ how on earth did you figure that out? I was totally maxxed out of whateverwhateverwhatever to say not to say bother/not bother whocares/etc'ed out with it it was unreal. Also had watched that Stephen Fry bipolar docu that freaked me out...

    Akelamalu: reasonably, ta ;->...

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