Monday, May 25, 2009


Vienna ~ where I'm thinking of fleeing to ~ is world-famous for its Konditorei; its quality cakes:

Schokoladenkuchen (chocolate cake)

Käsekuchen (cheesecake)

Schwarzwalderkirschtorte (Black Forest Gâteau) ...

... and erstaunliche Kuchen ~ cakes of sheer genius! ...

... yum yum YUMMM!!


  1. Damn, Gledwood! I haven't see deserts like those since I lived in Germany in the early '70s. Now my taste buds are watering!

  2. See! Die Deutschsprechenden Länder have something sweet going for them after all~!!!

  3. Gled ... you forgot Vienna's most important cake ... SACHERTORTE!!! Yummy yummy ... but why you want to flee?? Fishy xx

  4. wow the chocolate cake looks delish :-)

  5. Mate! Where is the bloody sachertorte???

    A black forest cake is from the black forest in Germany by the way ;-)

  6. Our grocery stores all carry Black Forest Cake, cheesecake and various other concoctions - plus we have a number of coffee shops that offer tortes and such. In fact, I just had a slice of Black forest that they bought for my birthday.

  7. I adore the real fair dinkum Black Forest Cake as made by a German bakery. All others are not very good imitations as fair as I'm concerned.

  8. I'm not a big cake fan but MWM loves it! :)

  9. Gleddy,
    I think Vienna sounds spectacular! I hear it's just beautiful.

    Can you Air Mail me some of the first chocolate cake? Ha. It looks SO GOOD!

  10. FW: ah you spotted my deliberate omission!

    almost too perfect to knife up. Not that I think that would stop me ...

    Vincent: dur of course I know the Schwarzwald's in Bayern, Southern Deutchland. Sachertorte was my deliberate test piece and hey you passed the test!! That's what I say and I'm sticking to it...

    Jeannie: black forest gateau was really popular here in the 1980s. You don't see it so much now.

    Talking of shop-bought cakes, my biggest disappointment has been Sara Lee. The icing's like foam, the entire thing puffed up so as little substance as possible remains in it. Not good!

    Pussinboots: aye, yer not wrong there!!

    Akelamalu: MWM?

    SB: aye: gimme your address and I shall ~ hahar!!

  11. ps why am i thinking of fleeing?
    because I hate britain. for its pettiness, 2facedness, absolutely annoyingly inept blind idiotic politicians, rudeness, erosion of civil liberties... etc etc etc

  12. Ha, they're gorgeous, love the dragon. There are cake shops all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland and the Patissieries of France of course . . .take your wallet with you! Clare and I did 'high tea' at the hotel we stayed at in Melbourne recently and couldn't cope with the choice! I think I've put on about 3 kilos in a weekend!

  13. !!

    I remember seeing a glassified mountain of strawberries atop a pastry in Central France... what I remember equally well was the price ~ as much as a flaky pack of 6 shrivelled English supermarket nearest equivalents...

  14. No wonder you're thinking of emigrating! Did you know that quiche comes from kuchen too? I learned that last week from a codebreaker puzzle book.

  15. You're driving me crazy with these foods. Wow.

  16. LIZ: aye ~ yer not wrong!!

    SYD: amazing, aren't they!!

  17. I'll say it again: yer not wrong, Lizzie!!! ;->...


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