Wednesday, June 03, 2009

A Clean Sheet

I AM (TRYING TO) turn over a new leaf.

In doing so I am reminded of a haiku I once read in a creative writing manual:

This blank page
glares at me:
white with rage.

Know what I mean..?


  1. Thank you so much for the links you gave me to the tiger post and the squirrel post. Enjoyed both of them enormously! I had never seen a white tiger before, nor a baby squirrel :)

    As for blank pages. I think they stare at me invitingly... Alluringly even.

    I think you write really well. REALLY well. No writer's block there, eh?

  2. It's a page that is meant to be written on. Just like a new chapter of life.

  3. Most important is that a blank page has not been written yet. Write on it what you really want it to read.

  4. A clean sheet just waiting for you!

  5. I agree with all the people above me. Clean slates and the best slates....

  6. yes: I am lucky in a way that my slate IS relatively clean. That's a real luxury and a privilege. I'm sure there are millions of people who with fervently they could undo stupid things they've done that now count against them... sometimes being "boring" is a plus-point then...

  7. I do - and I'm glaring back.

    Trying to eat more good and far less bad and do it without alcohol while life is piling up and becoming unmanageable and I think menopause is fucking with my head.

  8. Jeannie: hormones! You either need more or less of 'em...

    Baino: cheers

  9. ah yes, i know just what the haiku means....sigh. but it's true, the blank page is mainly a good thing, yeah?

    i'm working on turning over that new leaf too. i started with quitting smoking rather than anything else :)

  10. blank pages can be inspiring or depressing... in what proportion says a lot about You.

    i LOVE a good blank page to dirty up with my own Permanent Black jottings....


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