Saturday, June 13, 2009

Furry Friday/Saturday ~ Dormice!

THESE TUBBY critters were introduced to Britain by the Romans who liked to EAT them ~ yuck! ~ (hence the name of one species: "edible dormouse" (the other is "fat dormouse")). They look more like hamsters than any other British rodent:

Despite their tubby frames, they make quite agile climbers in the undergrowth:

They keep tubby and fat by nibbling as many wild seeds and berries as they can find:

They are called dormice because they sleep deeply and hibernate all winter long. And of course the babies are cute:

... and occasionally oblivious enough to let cynical photographers pose them atop daffodils:


  1. Hahaha! Great photos.Thanks for the lesson about edible cute furry rodents.

  2. Oh day so coote day make me speek in siwwy mooshy wooshy baby fuwwy wangwidge . .no seriously . .they are cute . . .

  3. ditto Baino awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww*!*

  4. Oh they are cute. I saved the picture of the tiny one on the daffodil.


  5. You must have soft heart. Women have that maternal instinct in them to take care of anything that can't take care of itself. You though, you go against the grain. Your no macho guy who says, "I'm gonna stomp on that rodent you keep taking care of you bloody bitch."
    Nope, you take care of those who can't take care of themselves. Rodents are cute, and loveable, and I assume you are too.Maybe you start taking care of yourself, and someone will come along and help take care of you.

    I'm making assumtions, you do take care of your self. I'm not one to tell someone to take care of themselves.

    regarding your last post, maybe someone will buy those shoes for you, and send them across the ocean for you. I hope so.

    Anna Grace

  6. Pardon my iggerance, but I thought dormice were a figment of Lewis Carroll's imagination! The only time I've heard of them was in Alice Through the Looking I find they are real! My education is sadly lacking...

    They are very cute, though.

  7. Lonegrey: aye ~ but who'd wanna eat one though..?

    Baino: aye!

    Akelamalu: aye aye!

    Bimbimbie: aye aye aye!

    Janice: aye aye aye aye!

    AnnaGrace: soft... but people keep calling me "hard"!!

    I'm v nice as well too...

    Pussinboots: a figament??! They're much more than that... (though I've never knowingly clapped eyes on one...)

  8. Very nice photos and the little guys are cute. I don't think that I'd like to eat one though.

  9. Fantastic post, Gleddy. Dormeese are cute! Great photos, as always!

    Much love,



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