Saturday, June 20, 2009

Furry Friday/Saturday: British Wildcats

THEY LOOK just like a deranged tabby, but these bigger and far fiercer wildcats still live in the wilds of Scotland:

They never eat Whiskas Complete and survive solely on self-caught small mammals and birds. Look at those killer eyes:

In Britain they survive only in Scotland, but they're also native to much of Europe, into Asia and even Africa. They avoid approaching human habitation and have an average territory of about 3 square km or 2 square miles. See how much bigger they are than an ordinary house cat (though I suspect this photo actually shows 2):

Think of a ferral cat with attitude multiplied by 1000 and you'll see why the kittens are totally untameable. Picking one up is said to be like attempting to cuddle a bagful of claws and needle-sharp hissing teeth!

(But they do look cute.)


  1. We have bobcats here.. One thought it would be fun to stalk my backyard for awhile. Eventually we had to put it out of our misery b/c it was a danger to our kids and he was becoming more and more brave. We've had a few come into our back yard since we were hit by Hurricane Ike last year.

  2. They are cute, but I've heard of those cats from hell and I think I'd rather stick with my two. They're bad enough.

  3. they do look SO cute, esp. that last little kitty

    but those claws at the ready - eek!

    sorry i;ve not been here for so long, hope you are ok

  4. I must share this with Alex. Up to now, his favorite cousins have been panthers.

  5. I'm not a cat lover and I certainly wouldn't want a wild cat! LOL

  6. Gees, those eyes are creepy. And they look like they're wearing eyeliner.

    I think I'll stay to our American domestic kitties.


  7. Aimee: difference being these would (supposedly) NEVER come near a human being voluntarily unless, I spose, you disturbed on "oop ont moore"...

    Pussinboots: aye! I don't blame you!!

    Lettuce: aye ~ and huge paws to go with 'em!!

    Nick: aye!

    Akelamalu: I like dogs and cats but prefer cats. Kittens are v cute esp. when they try and climb up your leg. But only if you've got tough jeans on

    Janice: I don't blame you!!

  8. They are adorable, Gleddy. You always find such terrific photos.



  9. aye you're not wrong. but it's always a pain tryin' ta come up wi something to post that's FURRY enough...


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