Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My Own Private Drugstore

I AM NOW PROUD OWNER of an (intact) pregnancy tester, several bottles of baby oil (including baby oil gel), a swathe of eye makeup types and colours and all manner of girlie bottles of sparkly body cremes, exotic soap (with Polish labelling). Plus gent's shaving "balm".

I rescued all this from a bursten outsized carrier bag of bathroom stuff obviously belonging to a former tenant at another house and thrown out by the landlord.

I took it because you never know when you might need Baby Oil Gel, sparkly body creme and a pregnancy test!

And I'm posting this here because **** all else has happened in my life lately. So there we go ...


  1. Gleddy,
    Good save. I love free shit!

    My life is boring right now, too.



  2. The sparkly stuff might come in handy. But I don't think that the pregnancy test will work for hamsters.

  3. SB: Half of it was unisex anyhow. Shower soaps etc. And the pregnancy test is worth £11.99 so no way am I chucking that!!

    Syd: When I 1st got them I thought Itchy was a boy, so I did believe I needed one...

  4. What an intersting blog! I am glad you stopped by mine so I could learn of yours.



  5. If you ever need that pregnancy test for yourself Gleds you'll be a rich man just by selling your story! LOL

  6. Give me your address, I'll send you all kinds of crap I don't want any more.

  7. Don't knock the baby oil gel. You'll have a face like a baby's bum!

  8. Egads, Gleds! Now you have me worried about your sexuality!!!

  9. Hi Gleds ~~ What a great find and some of it will be handy. Not too sure about the pregnancy test !!!
    Thanks for your kind words about my post. I know what you mean about "Blogger had other ideas." Happens to me all the time.
    Take care, my friend, Regards, Merle.

  10. thanks peoples

    I ended up EATING some pink face cream yesterday ~ I was so hungry


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