Friday, July 03, 2009

Fantastic Mr Fox!


AS I MENTIONED IN YESTERDAY's comments, I cannot put out my rubbish
for fear of the local foxes ripping it apart ~ and all manner of telling accoutrements to methadone and heroin taking tumbling across our front yard. I try to fish these out in advance but have not ALWAYS been successful...

I thought North America had far more wildlife than we have here. Everything we get Americans and Canadians have too, only polar bears, raccoons and coyotes in addition... Isn't it true that some towns in the icy north have to shut off major roads because of the polar bear population crossing..?

Our only truly urbanized (nondomesticated) mammal is the FOX. Being omnivores and not averse to carrion (pre-killed meat), they come to towns for the easy pickings from our bins. O yeah! You regularly see foxes trotting down the rd at 4 in the morning with Chinese chicken hotwings in their snouts ~ the thieving swines!

Foxes are of course related to dogs, but unlike doggies, these clever creatures dig huge holes with tunnels and nest chambers and sleep safely underground all day, only venturing out in the depths of night when most human beings are either asleep or too oblivious to care. Here's a fox hole:

Foxes are well known for being sneaky and sly:

If you have bins for rifling they will rifle them. Or pinch any food they can get their nose round:

And can end up in some surprising places:

Foxes can show surprising initiative when a potential dinner's involved. Look at this swine, tugging its way in to that lopsy-eared bunny!

Occasionally urban foxes can become uncannily tame:

~Baby foxes look just like Porkshire terriers or chihuahuas:


  1. Gledwood i'll give you $50 if u send over a fox to me i want one to rummage through my garbage or we can trade raccoon for fox????

  2. OK ~ but won't that cost about $1000 trapping fee, caging, immunizations, quarantine, not to mention "shipping & handling"..!

  3. I enjoyed the fox pictures - thank you :) And baby foxes, too, wow!

  4. Are they as rampant in Finland as here? They're everywhere!!

  5. They're feral here and were introduced by the colonists for pleasure hunting. $2 a pelt! I often see one cruising up the driveway but they drive my dog crazy. they must smell weird because she has quite a different bark when a fox is around! So, cute though.

  6. Fox diarrhoea absolutely reeks. And it's all oily and near-impossible to get rid of without double-washing at high temperature.
    But they do look furry (if sly...)

    Actually they remind me of a redhaired sly person I used to know when I was younger...

  7. I have seen only one fox in Finland - through a car window, running in a field. I know we have them, but I think they stay mainly in woods and forests. A beautiful creature which I prefer admiring from afar :)

  8. Have to admire their intellect and beauty. I think one might have got into my neighbour's hen house the other week - should have heard the screams from their little kid that morning :(

  9. Rita: only ever seen one? Finland must be a rubbish-free country! Then again you are right next to/in the corner of Scandinavia... is Finland Scandinavian or not? I never knew. I just know the language is "Uralic" or something and totally un-Scandinavian. Plus that Finland has some of the most amazing lakeland scenery in all Europe. Actually I would love to go during the allnight sun... I was going to say to see the aurora Bs but that would be kind of difficult then...

    Bimbimbie: bloody hell!

  10. 美しい生き物!I wish we had more foxes and other wildlife where I live! In my area the only "wildlife" you can find is a couple stray cats (Who all mostly have homes), birds, rarely leash-less dogs (not strays) , and it's a very rare site to see a mouse,rat,frog, squirrel, or possum.


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