Thursday, July 30, 2009

I've Not Been Near The Piggery...

... SO WHY THIS COMMON COLD? Yes! I have been struck down ill! Woke up three days ago feeling like someone had put out a cigarette in the back of my throat.

This got worse until it felt like a cig burn plus entire can full of hot ashes had been poured down there.

Then ears and nose. All full of itching inconvenience...

Yesterday it got worse and every cough was like coughing up razor blades.

But now it's getting better and people aren't keeping such a wide "it's pig flu!" berth ...

And that is why I haven't been online since Monday ...


  1. Hope you feel better soon. Summer colds suck. Not that winter colds don't.

  2. I haven't had a cold for years...I get allergic reactions instead and I've had one of those for the last couple of days. However, antihistamines are kicking in and doing the trick.

    Hope you feel better soon, Gleds.

  3. A sore throat is the worst!!! Drink some ginger ale.

  4. Feel better, Gleddy.

    Sending happy healing thoughts to you,


  5. one time me and my x when we lived together both got sick and we coughed like crazy i coughed so hard i puked a few times it was horrible
    get well soon

  6. I hope that you are on the mend. Don't kiss anymore pigs, especially the ones with lipstick.

  7. Yuk! That picture of the baby licking the pig makes me feel sick!
    Hope you're feeling better soon. :0)

  8. That's no good! Plenty of panadol and fluids then. I've been lucky this winter, not so much as a sniffle. Get well soon.

  9. thanks folks, better already...!


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