Monday, July 06, 2009

My Brains Have Turned To Prawns

(THOSE ARE SHRIMPS to you Western Hemespherites who don't understand our Old World language ...)

OK I know I'm repeating~repeating~repeating myself
(what changes) but my brains have turned to mush. From what? From too much Spanish, of course. All in an attempt "not to be lazy" I have been cramming the language into my head as if I had brains the size of Olympic swimming pools, which I do not.

In consequence most of it has splurged out again. I have an ooze of Spanish-word-paella trickling back out of my ears.

When will I ever be complete again? When will I ever sleep without dreaming (and Sueños, as in BBC Sueños World Spanish, means "dreams") ... without my sleep being piqued and punctuated by Spanish donkeys, por favors, Mexican heroin farms, more donkeys, great costas, people booking hotel rooms in polysyllabic gradually fading drivel ... and so on and so on.

Help me. Help me please! I am drowning in foreign words!!

PS Let me stress: I have never eaten a prawn in my life, except by accident. (And that one was disgusting.) And I never would. Prawns are UNCLEAN, rank sewerage-cleaners of the oceans and thus unfit for human consumption. And, might I add, every time people have mocked me for this belief and gorged THEMSELVES on all the prawn satay sticks THEY got food poisoning and I escaped it. So who had the last laugh THERE??

THIS is why MOST young Brits go to Spain... specifically IBIZA!!
('Cept I wouldn't: I'm too ******* OLD!!)
PS You really do see great snaggletoothed furry monsters (as at 0mins 31; 2mins 16), if you do too much coke...



  1. Hello Gleds ~~ Don't strain your brain too much with the Spanish
    Take your time and just read some
    and write down the words you know.

    Thanks for your comments and I LOL when you said you liked the joke about drugs >Well I would, wouldn't I? I have read other items about the police coming to dig the garden up and then it's time to plant the potatoes. We do say Mum here in Australia, but
    it was forwarded to me as Mom, so
    I used that one. Take care,
    Regards, Merle.

  2. I've been spending a good 3 hours a day on it solid. And that's not counting going over and over it in my head as I walk down the street/etc... That's why I've such brain ache. Feels like my brains are splitting in half. I set myself an overambitious goal of trying ~ if I can do this ~ to get on a higher level course this autumn, one that does literature, poetry etc. If I can perfect everyday Spanish, talking about the weather, my family, giving directions, knowing how to shop etc., I'll be at the right level to give that a start in September, so this is what it's all about...

    I think I'd have altered Mom to Mum just to be contrary!!

  3. Methinks you've got Spanish overload! I adore prawns and have never had food poisoning. You just wait I'll probably get it now for being cocky! LOL

  4. If you need any help with your español, remember, I am only across the pond here. I'm fully fluent! Good luck to you, but yeah, don't overload yer brain either. Best time to study is before bed, so your brain can process all that good info while you snore...

  5. Akelamalu: the nonfoodpoisoning thing's only happened twice but I remember both times people having a go at me for not eating them because they're "dirty bottom feeders". hmmmm....

    Wat: muchas gracias!!

  6. Shrimp are actually great. I've eaten a lot of them and never been sick. The ones we eat over here are headed and then "deveined". No problems.

  7. Hola Senor Paella ears ... take a break or you'll get fed up and not want to go further.

    And that's a yes ... the tropic of capricorn lies about 500ks above my head ;)

  8. I commend you on your endeavor...quite the opposite of lazy!!! I just love the way you capture what you're thinking or doing...keep writing...dunno why you haven't inked a book deal yet!

  9. You might change your opinion about prawns if you ever got a hold of some that Cajuns have worked their magic on.

  10. OMG i cant beleive u dont like shrimps!!!!!! i put them in tinfoil with white wine butter garlic and lemon juice and put them on the bbq for 10 min delicious!!! i guess u dont eat lobster or crab either then????

    glewood what am i going to do with u u weirdo lol

    btw i speak 4 languages fluently lol
    it gets confusing sometimes like if i have a long talk with my mom over the phone in swedish and then have to switch to english right after with a friend it takes a few secdonds to think in english not swedish anyway blah blah whatever lol

  11. You're right, shrimpy's are dirty little scavengers, just like pigs - but they're still yummy. Isn't that just the way it is - all the best stuff in the world is the worst for us.

  12. I don't care if prawns are bottom feeders. You haven't tasted a prawn until you've had one of our lovely Queensland ones on the barbecue in garlic butter...o-oh bliss. I've never had food poisoning from prawns either and over here, it's more because they haven't been stored properly in the heat. Like all meat and seafood, if they're not kept properly chilled then eaten fresh or immediately frozen, they're lethal.

  13. Syd: well they sound a lot more hygenic than ours, which come with backside-sewerpipe still intact... but I'm not convinced...

    Bimbimbie: is the tropic really up in the sky like you say? I thought it was an imaginary line where the sun shines from directly overhead in highest summer... is that right?

    I did take (a bit of) a break. Somehow a lot of the Spanish managed to sink in over that time, so I can understand all the CD up to track 20 now without straining...

    TerminallyU: book deal? if only... gotta write on 1st, I spose...

    Molson: might... might not!...

    Sweden: they say you don't "speak" a language till you dream in it... which means I speak Spanish already!!!

    Nellie: precisely. Still don't wanna eat 'em tho!!!!

    Pussinboots: hmmmm (still not convinced)



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