Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Procrastination (Japanese Sushibar Video)

I'M NOT MEANT TO BE HERE. I didn't know what to say either: so have a look at this film:~


You can watch this at work because the dialogue's almost all in Japanese, though I think the people who put the camera on the conveyor belt (who you see) were American...


  1. I love Sushi but have never been in a sushi bar. Japanese restaurant yes, it's very expensive (but son payed for my birthday) and it's very good and a real show !

  2. Hey Gleds....I came back, just for you (when I saw your comment in my blog).

    I will eventually be back on track - summer means a lot of running around and I'm not on the computer much at the moment.

    But I do miss you so I promise I'll at least stay grounded long enough to check in on your blog. And, at some point, will get back to mine.


  3. Gattina: when I was younger Sushi looked to me like the most amazing sweets... quite a disappointment to find out it tastes so savoury and salty... There's a sushi restaurant in Soho here in London complete with R2D2-style robot and surly Japanese girl inside huge plate glass window. We walked past pointing, waving and banging on the window and she scowled at us. I think just about everyone does that....

    Debs: thanks for dropping by... did you get a job yet?... or shouldn't I ask?


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