Saturday, July 25, 2009



SEALS, have always been (to me) the cutest furries of the arctic. They remind me of domestic dogs:

Covered in protective blubber they are immune to subzero temperatures. Though clumsy and slow on land these creatures swim so well it's like "underwater flying":

Seals eat fish ...

... and polar bears eat seals.

Humans used to club to death baby seals (but now it's illegal)... though they are still allowed to do it to adults ...

Lovely place, the Arctic, innit?


  1. Yeah, seals are cute. I saw a documentary on Orcas once and these two whales had snatched a seal pup and were tossing it around in the air and virtually torturing the poor little thing. God, it was horrible.

    I've just realised, I'm first today...yay!

  2. From Cajun Chicken to Baby Seals?? I guess your as random as me!!!

  3. PUSSINBOOTS: I was going to mention killer whales. But decided not to... First ~ wahey! You know normally I post around 10am and nobody comments till about 5 in the evening Eurotime. Maybe it's because Americans are still in bed and Aussies are going to bed in our morning, I dunno...

  4. HIT40: I do a furries post every Friday or Saturday. E.g. last weekend hornets:

  5. ... and before that Koalas:

  6. ... and Koalas II (bushfire survivors):

  7. ... wood mice:

  8. ... and donkeys!

    I couldn't fit this on one reply as you can only pick up and drop one set of data (can't you? if anyone knows how you can do it with more I'd love to hear how ...)

  9. The seal hunt- the embarrassment of our country. But, a certain region with a long history insists that it's right to continue their tradition.

  10. being from canada i wished they would stop seal hunting, thank god at least its illegal to kill babies.
    morrissey refuses to play shows in canada because of the seal

  11. Cute as buttons (although why buttons are cute escapes me!) We're fortunate to have a few seal colonies in the harbour. When I was whale watching last year a huge curious fur seal came right up to the boat to check us all out and work out what the fuss was about, he was magnificent, and right in front of Bondi, about 2kms out!

    Gleds you can post as many html links in a comment box as you want, just hit enter after each one so they appear on a separate line!

    Cheers :)

  12. Glenwood, my Darling, did you know I am a former heroin junkie? Oh yes, it is and always will be my first love. Alas, it betrayed me.

    Consider me a friend and confidant, please?

    Big Huge Love

  13. We have a huge population of seals here in California, mostly harbor and sea lions. They've been know to sink a boat, getting on it for a bit of sun.


  14. So what happens to the pups after their mothers are bludgeoned*!*

  15. Hi Gleds ~~ The baby seals are very
    nice, but life isn't too great for them is it. With whales and humans
    now killing their parents.
    Amy Winehouse has brought out a perfume ~~ I don't think I'd like it.
    Good guess about what the best thing since sliced bread. Probably the wheel,, or it probably came before.
    I think Biro pens and Durex tape were good ones.
    Australia is not HOT all the time
    We tend to have long hot summers,
    but have frosts and that is usually a nice day afterwards. We
    only have snow on very distant mountains. The chicken casserole was nice and I didn't do dumplings
    but should have. Next time.
    Take care of yourself, my friend,
    Kind regards, Merle.

  16. whitenoise: I don't get what they actually DO with those dead seals...

    Sweden: Morrissey refuses to play..? Well ain't Canada lucky! Britain oughtta take up seal-culling too. Haha!

    Baino: but how do I pick up the links and set them down without going in and out of the comment box and having to comment again? I don't get that...

    Akelamalu: apparently, if you come too close, they BITE!

    (I wonder why??...??)_

  17. AuntB: thank you I shall. I am hoping to become an ex-addict very soon...

    ... (with a miracle from God)...

    Janice: the swines!

    Bimbimbie: VERY GOOD POINT!!

    Merle: Amy Winehouse has brought out a perfume? What does it smell of? Stale alcohol??

    I was trying ot learn how to make bread and tried it with Value white self-raising. It was gross.

    My dumplings are far better... like stew-bread. Those I make precisely by the book... and make them little as well, about the size of pingpong balls... I'm not convinced outsized dumplings are anything like as nice...

  18. I can't stand the thought that the little seals are clubbed to death. I can't watch National Geographic on TV either. I am a softy about many things.

  19. Dilly think be sad peepols kill seels. Shud not be lowd.


  20. ~Dilly: I don't quite get your strange dialect but can only say to that, "yes indeed!"

    ~Welshcakes: I know. I bet Simi was a seal in a past life... we used to have a silver and grey and black and white mottled doggie who looked just like a seal ...

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