Monday, August 03, 2009

My Beautiful Dream

LAST NIGHT I SAW a film that truly gripped me. (For once.) And it starred Jennifer Lopez!

She played some kind of high tech forensic psychiatrist chick, dangerously voyaging into the mind of a catatonic schizophrenic.

The dream scenes were beautiful.

If you watch this and think it appears drug-influenced; it is (right down to the odd banging and humming noises) ~ it's quite a good evocation of the ketamine state.

Watching it reminded me how, when I used to work nights, every night at work at about 1 or 2 am I would (fully awake) revisit some far outpost of my dreams... an abstract type of place that was scarlet red. And eternally peaceful...

PS: in response to a couple of comments here's a little addendum. I changed the title to MY beautiful dream because my dream was beautiful. The film is weird ...

Baino (whose Friday ****wit posts are particularly good) said ...
Sorry, doesn't look very peaceful to me.

Eeeuww the Damian Hurst horse thing. Gross.

Akelamalu said...
You took ketamine whilst you were working nights?? :0

Baino: no I was saying MY abstract (which is why I cannot explain it) dream was beautiful. This isn't technically dreaming but supposedly the inner consciousness of a schizophrenic she is voyaging into via a neural implant computer gizmo... which maybe I should've explained in my post...

Akelamalu: no no NO! Never had even tried it back then. My mind just wandered to my dreams and I relived them awake in a waking-subconscious type thingie... every single night at around the same time ...


  1. Sorry, doesn't look very peaceful to me.

  2. Eeeuww the Damian Hurst horse thing. Gross. BTW that horse has had a good dose of nembutol (known out here as the green dream) I've had to do it to mine on occasion for minor surgery that doesn't need a full anaesthetic. They're awake but trippin and out to the world. They get that 'look'! Heroin for Neddys only it's not addictive.

  3. You took ketamine whilst you were working nights?? :0

  4. Baino: no I was saying MY abstract (which is why I cannot explain it) dream was beautiful. This isn't technically dreaming but supposedly the inner consciousness of a schizophrenic she is voyaging into via a neural implant computer gizmo... which maybe I should've explained in my post...

    Akelamalu: no no NO! Never had even tried it back then. My mind just wandered to my dreams and I relived them awake in a waking-subconscious type thingie... every single night at around the same time ...

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  6. BTW, buy Bluetooth jammer to jam all spy transmitters in your room or office.


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