Monday, August 10, 2009

A Fruity Story

If the proverb is true, this post saves 13,000 words:

Today I found a

OK ~ a

in the


had left it by the

I knew it was hers because she was from




She was so

when I


Aren't I a goody



  1. You did the right thing - what goes around comes around!

  2. Very noble of you Gleds. Mind I wouldn't have a clue how to use one. Real Blackberries are noxious weeds here yet they still cost $6 a punnet! That makes for some expensive jam!

  3. You need to make sure you are hosting your pictures on your own site instead of hotlinking. Stealing my bandwidth isn't cool. Please remove my picture from your site or host it yourself.

  4. That was funny. It must have taken you a while to find all those pics?
    Cool you gave the phone back. I would have too.

  5. Clever, and good on you Gleds *!*

  6. Good on you Gleds. Did she reward you?

  7. MIZPEH: aye

    BAINO: we used to pick them each autumn. Near me there's so many people come out with step-ladders to get to the tops of the bushes. At the end of the day you're covered in scratches. I wish they sold them in supermarkets/etc but it's always something else berries never black ones ...

    JILLIAN: If you don't want people using your pictures just change the setting then they're not shareable. I know this is possible but couldn't tell you how to do it as I'm not technical enough

    JEANNIE: ?

    NELLIE: I lost my phone twice and it came back twice, which I thought was really odd. But true!

    BIMBIMBIE: see that's my good deed for the year

    AKELAMALU: my reward was a smile ****!!!****

  8. You are a goody!

    Love you Gleddy,


  9. Good lord, this blog has become a riddle of pics now?! Way to keep my brain going!

  10. AND TO JILLIAN: GET A GRIP HONEY AND CALM DOWN. It's only a picture not $5,000.

  11. SB: ;->...

    Wat: I know I'm going back to words. These pictures take far too long to load ...

  12. wow a gold star for you ... shame you only got a smile as a reward :-(

  13. Well done. Lots of good karma for you my friend! :-)


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