Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Bravest Mice in the World!

(THOUGH I'M NOT ENTIRELY SURE the one with the leopard isn't a RAT..!)

1: Posted on Youtube as "leopard vs mouse" ~ I'm pretty sure this is actually a rat. Coming in for dindins at the big cat's feeding time, the expert predator barely has the heart to nuzzle the durry-furry rodent out the way ...

2: This daring little tyke definitely is a housemouse. Just look at the bemused reaction of the humungous housecat!

PS~~ This is absolutely disgusting: three of the most revolting creatures on earth pitted against each other ... in Japanese ..(!)


  1. They're fearless when there's food present, lol.


  2. The mice pics are heartwarming, though I can't say that for the spider!

  3. Luce: I miss my hammies ~ they're all dead now! Itchy died late spring, followed a month or so later by Bashful. Both were runts and so never got the bodyfat they're "meant" to ... and it was hardly for lack of food. Spherical was left all alone with no-one to thunder off the wheel with her enormous bulk... she died in August. The swine!

    Janice: aye, "as fearless as a starving mouse" ~ "lol"!!

    Welshcakes: I couldn't help wondering how fast that disgusting spider might be able to RUN!!

    PS JANICE: that's the 1st and only time I'm ever gonna say "lol". Apart from just now... haha


  4. Wow! No way would Chloe or any of my feathered friends let a mouse get away with that ... but I'm glad the Leopard did*!*


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