Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I Love Autumn

SEASON OF MISTS... and all that. Lots of folks I know deplore this time of year because it reminds them of death and dying. But I love it. I associate it with new beginnings. Especially when there's the smoky tang of bonfires in the air ...

PS: this is a note to self really ~

Grimms' Fairytales: Complete edition
ISBN (978) 389 555 2380
Amazon link.

Hear this: this is sublime...

I don't know about you, but I always think of this as the "original" version ...


  1. I LOVE Edith Piaf. Oh and fall's not too bad either!

    This weekend coming up is Thanksgiving over here, we're heading up north with the fandamily. It's always so cozy. The smell of wood burning, walks in the forest...sigh.

  2. I love Autumn and Piaf, as well.

    Love you 2,


  3. I too love fall. It is an awesome time. Read Dylan Thomas Poem in October.

  4. Love the pictures and also love this time of year too.

  5. I love the colours of Autumn but I am a summer girls really.

    Eva Cassidy just has the most marvelous voice.

  6. The anticipation of fireworks, my birthday and Christmas!

  7. All that talk of "happiness" and "new beginnings": I played the Eva Cassidy tune and cried!

  8. [url=][img][/img][/url]

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