Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Perfect Day...

This BBC short, played between programmes was never intended to be a commercial pop video, but was released (so they say) purely to answer public demand...

Spanish version of You'll See, which is a really good tune with a really good vocal:
The English lyrics sum up my attitude to relationships:

You think that I can't live without your love ~
You'll see
You think I can't go on another day
You think I am nothing
Without you by my side...
You'll see ~ somehow, someday...

I haven't the patience to read a book in Scottish and the film annoys me because it doesn't tell the "truth" about heroin... it leaves so much out!

I had a heroin death-wish for such a long time. Eventually I had to confront the reality that I HAVE to live. Don't even know why most of the time. Just have to ....


  1. hey Gled... keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  2. hey Gled... keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  3. other...other... other...

    (apparently there's an echo in here...) ;-)

  4. Hello Gleds...

    I stumbled across your blog last night (the old Tripod one) and stayed up until the small hours reading everything on there. You're fascinating. I have no real connection with heroin, addiction, etc. but something in your writing compelled me to keep reading.

    Good luck with everything and keep blogging!


  5. Hello Gleds...

    I stumbled across your blog last night (the old Tripod one) and stayed up until the small hours reading everything on there. You're fascinating. I have no real connection with heroin, addiction, etc. but something in your writing compelled me to keep reading.

    Good luck with everything and keep blogging!


  6. Never did see Trainspotting...

    I certainly don't see much appeal in heroin.

  7. I hope that you decide to live. There is much out there that is so spectacular.

  8. Whitenoise: aye, I always do. I just end up taking the odd step backwards sometimes... (ahem!)

    Beatifnik: I'm trying to write a book. Hopefully that will be MORE compelling...

    Jeannie: I never got what heroin was about until I tried it. All I knew was it had some magical property that could make people live in squalor and still be in love with the drug... but when I first tried it it just made me feel hot, woozy and slightly sick and I wish I'd left it there!

    syd: I've heard that. I remember from past experience that e.g. when I got a part-time job at 2.5 hours per week ~ a fulltime one came out of it literally one week later. So I know what you're saying... I just find it hard to keep my mind focused on all that a lot of the time, y'know...


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