Thursday, December 10, 2009

Down. Up. Lost. Whatever

I DON'T KNOW WHY IT SHOULD BE that I cannot maintain any "normal" or healthy level of enthusiasm for anything. I go from feeling over-confident to not confident at all. And feel like a fool for ever believing in myself. So I am slogging on with this writing basically. I don't have much belief in it. I press on because I cannot not finish it ~ I hate being in the middle of anything. And of course there's the hope that I might have some success and wave bye-bye to Brown's Britain. Oh by the way I found out there are several states in the world where you don't pay any income tax ~ Monaco, Andorra and the Bahamas being the most attractive three. I wouldn't mind the Bahamas at all. But are there poisonous spiders everywhere? I saw an Australian murder drama last night and whenever they went delving about in bushes etc all I could think was "beware of the funnelwebs!" I don't know about the other places but you don't have to be super rich to live in Monte Carlo. They've a permanent lack of grocer's and other small shop owners and put out a shout on BBC World Service Radio saying ~ come and start your small business here! Which is what I would do, if I got the chance... Anyway must dash I'm about to be timed out, as per usual...

Illustrated: a manuscript page ~ guess whose handwriting...!
Kindly thanks to Aftermathnews for the image link...


  1. I hope all of your dreams come true, Gledds. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

    Love you,


  2. Just think, if you didn't pay tax, you wouldn't be getting all the support and services you enjoy.

  3. Monte Carlo is fabulous but very expensive.

    I recognised the handwriting on the manuscript even before I read it's content. I still say she was murdered!

  4. bahamas are very nice, but a playground for the rich. No poisonous spiders, though!

  5. Dude, you can make it! Here's some info on How to Quit Heroin.

    Good luck man, be strong!

  6. SB: I hope I am nice!

    Baino:... that's what I was thinking... however much private healthcare costs for residents of those countries I hesitate to contemplate!!

    I don't mind paying tax per se ~ it's shelling out money you know is going to be shamelessly SQUANDERED that gets me!

    Akelamalu: Murdered? I'm not sure about that. Paranoid? Intensely paranoid, yes ~ note she puts the blame on Tiggy Legge Bourke, the NANNY, not Camilla!!

    J: sounds nicer than I'd expected?... What about hurricanes though??

    Treatment: cheers!

  7. Gleds, I hope that some hope and enthusiasm comes your way. Hang in there.


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