Friday, December 25, 2009


I'M HAVING ROAST BEEF DINNER "for" Xmas ~ even though I don't keep the dastardly waste-of-space day I know everyone else does so I feel left out if I waste the day off my head on heroin, which is my customary way of "celebrating" Christmas.

Today I'm having a literary Christmas, I hope.
I bought those paperback ringbinder things, (dunno what they're officially called) ya know ~ those things students use to bind a project ~ to stop my errant papers blasting all over the place. I'm in continual terror of losing a page...

I hope everybody has a pleasant day out there... "pagan"-mas "Saturnalia"... Roman-Catholicized "Christmas" // or whatever your "bag" happens to be.

And most importantly of all: HERE'S WISHING EVERYONE A SUPERLATIVE 2010 ~ first year of the century we're allowed to say "twenty" at the front without sounding pretentious!!

Cheery-bye everyone!!

"Naturally" a Bengal tiger, African lion and American black bear would never meet... and yet, thrown together by persons who didn't have their best interests at heart, what a story!
Cuddly friendship... How cute is this. They were rescued as babies from evil drug dealers who wished to keep "high class" exotic pets in the garden... their thoughtful keepers at the zoo to which they were taken were insightful enough NOT to separate the three... and how amazing... have a look:

Here's the report from ITN news:

First Person: Lion-Tiger-Bear Harmony..!

All by Myself ~ Celine Dion
I know she's a bit gawky and geeky but man ~ what a voice! And I love that Scottish-sounding one she did about Kate Winslet throwing the Hope Diamond into the chill depths of the Atlantic after Romeo di Caprio died... how romantic!

Images: lovely roast beef dinner as only the English can pull off (must include cauliflower cheese and Yorkshire puddings and lashings of gravy..!)... I've not written probably 100th of this, but that's what War and Peace would look like in MS form...


  1. We're having rib roast and ham and Yorkshire puddings tomorrow, along with a bunch of other foods. Have a good Christmas, Gleds.

  2. do have a merry christmas, gledwood. i wish you the best in 2010

  3. Happy x-mas, Gledwood. I'm looking forward to reading your blog in twenty-ten. May the new year be good to all of us.

  4. Merry Christmas Gled, the food looks great.

    I'm going to make a Christmas brunch, that's what I do ever year for Christmas.


  5. Thank y'all. It's 11:22am, me Mum just rang and said she's just putting her turkey in. I'm not doing the rbd till later as it's pre-done 20 min cooking time ~~ haha!

  6. Sorry, Gleds, meat makes me shudder (have you seen the documentary "Food, Inc"??) But you know I am an open minded mum...:) so to each his own, and enjoy yourself.!

  7. Celine makes me shudder. Her screechy voice hurts my ears. Literally. As does whiny country music and opera.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Love Celine Dion's's beautiful.

    That video is just amazing...I'm so glad the three were rescued and appear to be very happy and relaxed now.

    I hope you've not got wasted today, Gleds. Have a "clean" Christmas.

    Hugs from Australia

  9. I hope your RBD was as good as you were expecting. We had the traditional Christmas Dinner. :)

  10. Sweetheart I really hope you're not having Christmas alone. Although after our bash yesterday, a little 'me' time is called for. Hope you had a good day. Wanna come over for leftovers?

  11. LOU: I used to be veggie on disgust-value... but gave it up due to lack of willpower and the sudden desire to do something just because I'd decided it was NOT to be done... know what I mean..!

    JEANNIE: yeah I have to say I heard that back and wasn't TOO impressed... not as good as MY HEART WILL GO ON... the only Celine song I really like...

    PUSSINBOOTS: i wish I'd posted MY HEART WILL GO ON now... I hope you had a very merry one and have a heppy new year 2010 "twenty ten"... really sounds like the future!

    AKELAMALU: passable, thanks!

    BAINO: I DID spend the day alone but it was OK glad yours was good


    hey maybe I WILL drop in and surprise you ... one day... if I ever go on an Australian book tour... if I ever get in print...

  12. Merry Christmas to you Gledwood hope you enjoyed your roast beef :-)

  13. Note to self:
    learning Tibetan!!


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