Sunday, December 06, 2009

State Visit

MY MUMZY came round this afternoon. By the time she arrived my place looked like a bomb had gone off in an Oxfam shop ~ scattering piles of ragged clothes/etc to the corners. I also put oven cleaner on the enamel hob. And then panicked. And quickly got rid of it, using carrier bags on hands because I'd no rubber gloves and the instructions make it sound like a more noxious version of nitric acid crossed with rycin. I still wasn't sure I'd got it all off after three goes and lots of water. Half expected to find a dirty great smoking hole when I got back ~ with a baby gremlin's eyes peering out from the rust... Anyway it was nice and clean when they got there. Except the floor looked like someone had thrown an illegal rave in a barn. Mopped-up mud everywhere (from where~??!?) And so on...

Do you like the Queen's picture. Look at those emeralds! Not just round her neck, but on her head..!

Did you know HM the Queen is supposed to have a jewellery safe 14 feet high in her Buckingham Palace bedroom, full of countless pieces belonging to Queen Mary, the Queen Mother... and so on and so on down the line... only a tiny fraction of which she ever wears (what a waste on the ones that never see daylight ~ that's what I say!) When Diana married Charles, her jewellery was only given to her on loan, on the basis that when she became Queen, she'd be custodian of said pieces anyhow... I do like a good bit of jewellery, me ("jewelry" if you're in the United States of America). Never wear it. Jewellery on men, when it's not sharks' teeth or rave beads etc looks distinctly dodgy at the best of times. But it's lovely to look at. I was into doing jewellery design at one time. There's more to it than meets the eye ~ everything must be carefully sized and measured for one thing... It was fascinating. Jade Jagger does it for a living. Not, I am sure, that having an international rock star for a father gave her a bunk up that particular career ladder... I'm sure not!

Anyway, back to today, we had a charming Greek dinner and she bought me some chocolate and museli and I'm going to post up Pingu at the Dentist if I can find it ~ hope y'all had a cheery weekend. My novel's coming on swimmingly... Goodnight all!

"Diana, Princess of Wales" (as she was "supposed" to be titled...) lovely sapphires...

"BANNED PINGU"... Can't find Pingu at the dentist; but "at the hospital" (see under Penguins, yesterday) is similar... whyever this was banned I'm not quite sure... and why the Scandinavian subtitles I've no idea (we never get subtitles in English, do we and they're gabbling BabyFinnish...) this one's trotterdonkey enough...

... o I get it. The jokes here are in the Swedish/Danish... e.g. "get me your strongest whisky" etc. I can just about make some of it out...

... o no they're not.

o how rude! One of them's peeing on the floor now!!...!!!


  1. Glad you had a good time with your Mum. I have a lot of jewellery but tend to wear the same pieces all the time, it's a waste really.

  2. You're mum's good to you darls. How do you get so messy when there's only you there? God, my house is never tidier than when the kids are away!

  3. I prefer fashion jewelry. But I am not a princess or queen either. But if I remember well, Diana only wore this Christmas decoration when she had to.
    Thanks for your compliment on my Christmas deco. My son when I arrive has laying his things all over the appartment, lol ! even his girlfriend couldn't change him !

  4. AKELAMALU: whatever you feel comfortable with...

    what I don't like about jewellery is rings on fingers that you can't get off quickly ~ and they never fit properly round mine, the knuckles are too big; and strangulation chains round neck. Not nice!

    BAINO: When only I'm there, there's nobody to clean up FOR...!

    JANICE: I'd a blue diamond the size of that sapphire...

    GATTINA: how did you get everything looking so amazingly "golden"...??

  5. I love Greek food, but you can barely find it in my part of Ohio.
    I used to live in Astoria Queens, New York and it abounded.

    I miss it.

  6. What on earth took you from Queens, New York to Ohio..??!?

  7. Gledds,
    I've been all over. I even lived for a summer in Wolverhampton.

    I was born in Ohio, lived in New York, spent summers on Long Island, have been to Paris, Scotland, and Wales, but consider home Savannah, Georgia.

  8. It sounds good that your mother visited. I hope all the Queen's jewels are safe.


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